Mail forwarding snaffu

So, our stop to pick up mail yesterday in Georgetown, ID didn’t work out so well.  It was not there and the postmaster couldn’t tell us where it was or when it might get there.  Fast forward, Kent called this morning and eureka, it is indeed there, just 145 miles back to pick it up.  That is how we are going to spend today!  Just out of camp we see two fawns scrambling to find Mom as we roll by.  It is cloudy with intermittent showers so not a great hiking day anyway and the drive back across the Caribou Mountains is lovely.  We grab lunch at Main Street Diner in Soda Springs and find “square” ice cream in Palisades, close enough to maybe try it again during our stay.  Grizzly paws is huckleberry ice cream with chocolate chunks.  Moose tracks sweet vanilla with caramel, chocolate and nuts.  All in all, not bad for an errand day!  Oh, we did get our mail.

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