Down day

Up late and a lazy breakfast of waffles with blueberry compote.  Carol starts cinnamon roll dough to set it rising.  We make a pass through our phone booth, quarter turn bridge, to check in and research a couple planned stops then we are off to explore.  Carol makes the turn to leave the lot at the bridge and two black bears cross the road in front of us.  Very cool.  We swing by Apgar Village to pick up firewood (perfect dry wood and a nice selection of kindling) and cruise the souvenir shops then head on home.

Cinnamon rolls are formed, left to rise then baked.  As they come out of the oven, we sit down to burgers and potato salad for dinner.  Delicious.

Later there is campfire under a clear, dark, starlit sky.  No s’mores tonight.  We go for a fresh cinnamon roll and hot tea and enjoy a perfect ending to the day.

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