The Kingston crew arrives

It is off to the Airport.  The kids are renting a car but Nana and Granpa have a car seat for Hazel allowing them to travel with just one.  We arrive at baggage claim and hatch a plan that Mike and Granpa can get the rental car and Nana, Tracy, Willa and Hazel will take most of the luggage and the truck back and not wait for the rental car pickup.  So, I head away from baggage claim to intercept Mike and go straight to the rental car pickup.  But I am met by enthusiastic granddaughters running to meet me and calling for Granpa.  Scrap the plan.   I need to see the Nana greeting.  It was just as amazing.  The modified plan is to go after the rental car and meet at the Cell Phone lot.  Strangely enough Mike and I arrive just before Lynn, Tracy and the girls.  Hazel’s car seat needed a lot of adjustment, she has grown a lot since August.  We swap luggage around to get it all inside and we are off toward Marathon. It has been a 12+ hour travel day for the girls.  There is a bit of “are we there yet” and a call for a potty stop almost as soon as we get out on the highway but, they are pretty well entertained by Nana all the way until Willa declares an unrelenting ear ache.  She is recovering from a cold and flying must have aggravated her ears.  It is alternating napping and crying the last 30 minutes or so.  Not the best start for the Holiday.   Hazel goes right to sleep once we get her settled in in her room.  Willa has a rough night dreaming and waking til midnight or so.  She is in the neighboring queen in our room.  We are relived for both her and us when she settles in.  We all have our fingers crossed that she’ll feel better in the morning.

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