sea rim park…still recovering from Ike

We are down on the shore checking out the nature preserves and parks. There is still quite a bit of damage from hurricanes; most recently Ike. They don’t have any camping facilities yet. There were miles of boardwalk at sea rim and now there is one rebuilt section about ¾ of a mile. Lots of home and facility reconstruction still going on along the shore too. It is so weird to see everything from mobile homes to complete schools and public buildings up on stilts. Between that all the refineries and tank farms I am not sure why people want to live here. That’s just me, I guess.

It is pretty cold and has been rainy and windy so shore bird watching hasn’t been so great. They are not very active and we get cold too fast. This is an area for a slightly different time of year next time. I want to come back again.

We enjoyed some wonderful seafood gumbo today along with crab, shrimp, scallops and founder. Nicely done. Topped it off with key lime pie and all was good.

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