On to Galveston

Lots of hurricane damage still to be repaired here too. But, decidedly warmer. Only a portion of the state park is currently open. But many trails and an observation deck is open to aid in bird watching. Local Wildlife refuges also have damage and are sometimes hard to find due to missing signs, roads, etc. We identified egrets, herons, pelicans, ibis, spoonbills, ospreys, and various hawks and raptors.
We enjoyed some wonderful seafood gumbo, crab, shrimp, scallops and flounder. Nicely done during our day of touring city sites. One item of note, the many carved tree stumps left over from hurricane Ike. Remnants of many grand old trees were carved into art rather than being removed to the ground after the storm. We also enjoyed a magnificent Christmas light show arranged in Moody Gardens as part of their holiday celebration. A recommended activity if you are near the area between mid November and the end of the year. Temperatures have been running quite mild this mornings low was in the low 60’s with the high in the mid 70’s. But, the wind from the north is scheduled to cool it off to a more seasonable 40’s & 60’s for a few days.

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