A quick trip to Mt Revelstoke National Park

Meadows in the Sky Drive is just 25 km but takes you from the cedar and hemlock forest of the Columbia River valley to an alpine meadow.  At the entrance station we are reminded to be on the watch for bears, they active right now.  Cool!  Red, yellow and blue wildflowers line the steep switchbacks and every direction provides a view of a different mountain range.  The panoramic view from the top is beautiful but hazy skies and mountain top clouds keep it from being spectacular.  We stroll among patches of snow and amazing, lots of mosquitoes.  Trails to back country alpine lakes originate up here too but we will have to save that for another day, it is already after six and the road closes at 8:30.  On the trail back to the car the clear notes of Thrushes float from the tree tops.  Pesky Gray Jays patrol the picnic area.

Some dummy discharged a can of bear spray in the pit toilet…wow, no wonder the furry fellows run from that stuff!  Kent and I cough and sniffle for good half hour and we didn’t even get it right in the face.

Heading down.  No bear but a good look at an adorable marmot.  He stood up when Kent whistled at him.  They are pretty big but he didn’t look very scary with a blade of grass hanging out of one corner of his mouth.  Very cute.  A bit later a long skinny weasel looking fellow raised up, maybe a fisher?  I am not sure what he was but he seemed as interested in us as we in him, then he scurried off.   We are home for a late dinner then off to bed hoping for better weather tomorrow.  The forecast is not good.

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