A sleepover

I am so excited. We are off to pick up Willa for an overnight stay. We gather all the essentials; potty chair, night-night kit (blankie, fav book and can’t be without bedtime friends), and snacks plus adequate clothes for lots of outside time. The ride back to our place is uneventful and since Willa loves to be outdoors, we have lots of exploring to do once we arrive. We walk, throw rocks in the lake, balance on logs, pick dandelions and watch for ducks, swans and puppies. All in all, it is a great afternoon that amazingly includes a good nap. There is sidewalk chalk time and more exploring. A big bright red bounce ball is a hit too. When it is time for bed Willa is down in just minutes. It has been a busy day.
The kids sent a schedule and we manage to sort of follow it even including some learning time. One day we do shapes. It starts with first recognizing, coloring and sorting then with a game based on colorful shapes drawn with sidewalk chalk and lots of movement. Willa has circles, squares and triangles down. I have fun! Right and left learning time is fun too since we wind it up with the hokey pokey. Grandpa even plays that one! Fun stuff. Nap time day two is in her new “Created by Nana” sleeping bag. It is a hit. Willa is back with Mom and Dad in time for Grammy time. We are already looking forward to our next get together.
We start slowly
The kids bring Willa up to see us and she and Dad even spend the night. Overnight in a strange place works out ok. Nana breaks some rules as Willa ends up in our bed a few hours but everyone awakes rested and happy. Nap goes pretty smoothly (well, you can imagine how 2-year-old naps go) and we find plenty of things to do outdoors to keep her entertained. It is a great first visit. We look forward to many more. We close out the day with a lovely meal shared with more doting grandparents, Pop-pop and Grammy.

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