Other Thresher Reunion tidbits

Steam Tractor PULL. Steam Pull comp_0561 He could have pulled the sled into the next county, no problem.  He toyed with the more modern(antique) tractors by stopping then starting near the end of pull, where they were running out of traction and power.

How do you tow a broken steam shovel?  With a steam engine of course!

Steam shovel tow_0572

A tour through the campground (well, actually, hayfield).

Through the quiet evening air I heard the rhythmic chug of the piston and the clink and tink of small moving parts.  steam campground comp_0581Over a rise in the field I saw a row of light puffs of steam hanging in the air tracing its movements.  Soon there was the grind of the heavy steel wheels across the earth then the sight of the ever busy hands of the operator working to guide the huge Scott-Garr for one last circle around the grounds.  It was certainly in its element here as it rolled along the open hayfield like it was ending a normal full day’s work.  It made for a nice take-away image of these grand old machines.

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