A trail closer to home

A trail listed as hiking and equestrian only leaves from the back of camp and passes through wilderness area for its entire length.  That’s our plan for today.  Just into the hike the trail turns to cross Lottis Creek, no bridge.  The water is high and fast, too much to wade through in boots.  We detour 1/4 mile or so up-creek to find a log large enough that we brave crossing.   We return to the trail to weave through thick forest along the creek path. We spot a deer and numerous scat piles that look like elk might at least pass through.  A section of the creek looks like perfect beaver and moose habitat. We dawdle and check it out; but, no moose.  No beaver.  We spot a perfect marmot rock pile and spend our break scanning for movement.  Nope, no marmots.  We turn back about 3 miles out the trail and trace our steps back to camp. The trail follows a slight slope so not too strenuous; add the sound of the creek tumbling across boulders on its way downhill and the cool forest shade to make for a nice morning walk.

We have been pleasantly surprised that camp has not been over-run by off road vehicles

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