After the winds

High winds kept us off the lake over the weekend but the forecast for the start of the week is much calmer.

Monday:  A bit lazy this morning, we hit the lake around 9:30.  An early light chop evolves into a smooth lake by noon.  We cruise a few miles north to Princess Cove, one of several coves where fish attractants have supposedly deployed along the east shore a little north of camp.  Kent scans the lake bed looking for claimed attractants but is never certain he spots any.  Fishing is pretty quiet, one tiny striped bass and 3 or so little (maybe tiny) bluegill. We are surprised to spot a coyote napping contentedly on the bank of one of the coves.  He raises his head a couple times to check us out but we leave him just where we found him when we motor off.  Look at those giant ears!

Tuesday: Maybe fishing is better earlier?  We are up and on the water by 7:30. We float fish a couple coves, try our hand at trolling, and even make a couple passes through the marina area where several fishermen have reported seeing “fish boiling”.  Nope, fishing is not better in the morning.  We return to camp with not as much as one bite.  I run a few errands and it is a quiet evening.  It is dark by 6 or so.

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