Ah, the drone of outboards in the morning

It seems that is tournament day. We awakened to the drone of outboards at 6:30 and the sound was continuous for over half an hour as a continuousline of them came across the lake. Seems like everybody wanted to fish past our camp. We had picked a quiet site (except the attack pack of course) out on a point in a nearly empty campground. I had gotten up early to go birding. Not so good. I couldn’t really hear myself think let alone hear any birds!

But, it is a big lake so once they all got out they didn’t really interfere with our fishing. I won the catch count today, a couple bass and a sunfish. Kent “0”. That doesn’t happen often. We did lots of bird watching again today. The boat provides a great vantage point for shorebirds and the eagles.

They do something odd here, they put out lots of floating lines to catch catfish then go around and check them once in a while. One old guy in camp brought in more than 10 most days. Another guy out in his little john boat was hauling several 20+ pounders and talking about a 73 pounder he had caught. I wonder, what on earth does one do with all that catfish?!

Forecast was for high 70’s….wrong…..Kent never took off his winter coat all the time he was in the boat.

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