Amazing diversity

The Lower Suwannee NWR protects a huge swath of coastal wetlands and marsh along the Florida Gulf Coast.  Inky black water pools in the bogs.  Winter paints the cypress groves a golden brown.  Thick understory creates impenetrable tangles that make seeing into the area difficult let alone walking there.  The wildlife drive offers a good look at the diversity of habitats but offers up no actual wildlife for us to see.  All are well hidden today.

From a viewing tower out on the open marshland the cord grass sways in the breeze for nearly as far as the eye can see. Flocks of birds rise from the hidden pools, swirl about then disappear again from vies.  There are pelicans, ibis, yellowlegs, ducks of various kinds and others that I can’t quite identify.  It is an ok place to relax for a few.

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