Around Waramaug

It is cool and clear so we decide to explore some of the other local parks.  With no internet we can do no research so off we go to check it out first hand.  First, Above All State Park.  As it turns out, this is a very small undeveloped parcel.  It is of historical significance in that as a high point it served as watch point during ……wars.  They report some ruins to explore but no trails or map.  We pass on it this time and instead try a nearby trail at the Strong parcel of the Warren Preserve.  Locals fund a land trust now holding a number of parcels.  Here they have blazed a mile or so trail through mature oak and an area where cleared land has been retaken by second growth forest.  Ferns blanket the ground where rock walls crisscross long ago tilled fields.  It is a lovely loop walk.  We spot frogs, squirrels and what was probably the behind of a deer as it bounded off through the woods.

Second, Mount Tom State Park.  Here we find a quiet lake (usually quiet anyway – today the fire and police are having dive training) and a climb to a tower overlook.  We opt for the hike and head up a steepish trail that takes us to a fantastic stone turret-style tower.  Of course, we climb it including the head knocker low clearance at the very top.  Another nice mountain view and flash backs of ogre and troll encounters during our walks with Willa.  This tower is a perfect ogre hideout!

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