Arrive Denali

Our plan is to spend some time in the front country before heading into the heart of the National Park. We are actually camping in Healy….Glitter Gulch, as they call the area around the Park entrance, is one continuous gift /souvenir shop with huge hotels perched on ever grander outcroppings trying to out do each other. A quick visit is about all of that I am interested in.


Day one we gain membership into the 30% club. The mountain was out and we saw it. Only 1 of 3 visitors actually see the mountain when they are here (it is shrouded in clouds about 2 of 3 days).


A hike along Savage River introduced us to the local Dall Sheep Comp_5139Dall Sheep. Four of them were trying to figure out how to cross the rain swollen Savage River. We watched many false starts as they took turns considering that first leap that was required but they must have determined that it was really not such a good idea. They headed off downstream in search of a better crossing we presume.


A bull Woodland Caribou Caribou Comp_5156hung out on a gravel bar along the trail. He is looking quite dapper with his huge antlers and a much smoother coat than the fellows we saw a month ago in British Columbia. I suspect that the ladies will be checking this guy out this fall.

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