Art and artists

Creative folks of every flavor ply their trade in this part of New Mexico.  Studio/galleries appear in simple, private homes in tiny little burgs all along the byway.  Larger towns are crowded with galleries and artist coops.  Work is from the whimsical to the refined and from the tiny to the colossal.  Pottery formed from native soils and shaped by ancient techniques can be found next to collages incorporating modern day discarded items like beer cans and bottle tops. Taos streets are dotted with cafes and coffee shops and restaurants.  One could spend days.  We settled for a couple hours of looking and a stop at Michael’s Bakery and Café (a repeat from our last pass through here. Kent got a huge cream puff (again)).creampuffcomp_6045

I finally tried a biscochito, the New Mexico State cookie.  It is a lot like a snickerdoodle with anise seed added.  I must admit I was pleasantly surprised, I am not typically a fan of anise but this was quite yummy.

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