Tire Replacement

When we arrived in Provo, a large bump was evident on the left front tire sidewall.  No doubt about it this baby is gonna fail, it is just a matter of time.  After some calls I found a truck tire service facility and took it in for some new shoes.  Turns out there was a larger bump on the inside of the tire.  Not that a tire failure is a good thing, but we just came through a mountains on 2 lane roads and are headed where services are harder to obtain.  The shop was 3 miles from camp and had no queue this morning.

New Look

The rig is sporting a new look!  The big trailer and boat spending the summer in Arizona.  We are moving a little leaner for the summer trip to Alaska, where the odds of utilizing the boat were really not very high. Rig Comp_1353

That was fun!

We started early today based on the forecast of building winds late in the day.  By noon we were encountering sustained winds in the 20’s with gusts in the 30’s and predicted as high as 50.  Incredibly these were actually less bothersome when the route turned and they were hitting broadside.  When they were at a 45O to head-on they really messed with forward progress.  It seemed like we were going uphill all the time.  We gained some altitude and even crossed the Continental Divide at around 4,500 feet but the wind made progress hard fought even on level ground. The predicted dust storms were never really a problem for driving but “dirt devils” dotted the horizon and not-so-distant mountain ranges disappeared at times.  I was a little surprised when the weather radio noted the dust would subside and “visibility will improve after dark”.  Days like this make be glad we have 16 ply tires with 105 psi on the motorhome, even if they do ride a little rough.

A little help?

With our helpful & deducated Spring Breakers from Indiana University we’re removing a structurally unsound saltwater boardwalk.  The boardwalk runs across a bog near the other end of the publically accessible portion of the refuge.  Transporting the debris for disposal is a challenge.  We were moving along quite well utilizing the medium John Deere 4-wheel drive tractor and a trailer.  Today we started the portion closest to the water (elevation 1-2 feet).  Balancing the number of trips across the bog with the quantity of each load is a running challenge.   Today we exceeded the load bearing capacity of the swamp. It is good to have REAL toys!Stuck Comp_0848

Moving on from Sea Rim State Park

We met and enjoyed working with some really great folks here.  The staff was considerate and a pleasure to work with.  Kudos to Ben, Linda, Russell, Laura and Buddy.  We also met some exceptional volunteers.  Gary & Denise, Dan & Carol and Jim and Sharon made the time a pleasure.  Hopefully we will cross paths again someday soon.  Significant progress was made during our stay toward the park’s grand reopening in Mid April.  The cabin is ready for exterior paint and the beach area has water and will have electric when the power company arrives to install the wire.  The last couple of weeks I spent in the campground instead of a host site.  It made enjoying sunrise much easier when you only need to roll over and look out the window.

Sunrise Crop Comp0398

For now we must move on to honor previous commitments at Aransas National Wildlife but, we’ll be back.


We started the year in Florida, traveled northward through the middle part of the US checking scenery and historical landmarks along the way.  Made a quick side trip to Upstate NY for Mike and Tracy’s wedding and enjoyed witnessing niece Amanda & Joe’s wedding in KY.

2013 route

2013 route

Kent enjoyed his 40th high school class reunion.   Brian joined us at Yankee Springs(an old favorite) in Michigan and Mike and Tracy spent a week fishing and relaxing at RockLake in Ontario.  Then it was on to Wakami Provincial ParkOntario a favorite of 35 years.  Good fishing, scenery and relaxation 30 miles from food, gasoline or cell coverage.  Then it was around the northern shore of Lake Superior to an excellent week of canoeing within the Boundary Waters Canoe Area in MN.  We completed the Cherokee loop paddling 33 miles in 14 different lakes.  The Western MN Stream Thrashers reunion was a treat for the mechanically inclined.  Steam power and antique machines of all varieties.  Theodore Roosevelt National Park in North Dakota is located near the oil boom and experiencing some pressure from the local changes but is a gem.  The buffalo roundup in Custer South Dakota provided the expected thrill.  Then we headed south to Texas for some time with Brian and our first effort at “park host”.  Sea Rim State Park in south east Texas was destroyed by hurricanes Rita & Ike and is currently being rebuilt.  We have joined the small but dedicated staff rebuilding the park toward a reopening in 2014.  Most of our time has been spent on the construction of a bunkhouse cabin in the marsh.

It has been a rewarding year, with good health and great support from family and friends.  As you can see on the map we have filled in a few more states as visited since  2010

2010 through 2013