Oh, oh car trouble

It started with an intermittent squeal and quickly progressed to boiling over overheating.  Turns out a cut in the upper radiator hose leaking onto the fan belt causes trouble all around.  I had blamed the squeaking on the downpour earlier in the day until the sweet/nasty smell of hot antifreeze drifted our way.  We pulled to the side of the road and had hardly stopped moving when the first car stopped to offer assistance.  Luckily we had drinking water/radiator fluid along to replace the lost fluid long enough to get back to town.  The repair shop where we stopped dropped what they were doing and reviewed the situation.  Alas no new hose until tomorrow.  But wait, the split is near the end, we’ll just cut off about 2 inches, clamp it tight and that should hold until a new hose can be obtained.  Within an hour we were on the road again.  Whew.

Walleye really! like Leeches

After a rainy start to the day we finally took the opportunity to get on the relatively rain free lake mid afternoon.  The 3rd spot Lynn dropped anchor was THE spot.  To digress slightly, we have been having trouble getting minnows to walleye fish due to some warm weather here a couple of weeks ago.  After consideration I bought leeches in lieu of minnows.  I was assured the walleye like them just the same and these are not the blood sucking kind of leeches.  I had never used them before but the fun started when we found the right spot.  In a matter of just over an hour I landed 4 restricted size fish.  In Ontario there is a one fish limit on Walleye over 18 inches.  I started with a 19 inch and moved larger as the hour progressed.  The largest and last of the day was 23 inches and went over 3 lbs., a new personal best. Walleye Comp_0013 (2) All the rest are back in the lake to grow even larger.  Maybe next time Lynn will try a creepy leech for bait. It was indeed my day!

In hindsight I have been having a pretty good year in landing personal best fish.

5# Largemouth Bass in Florida

3# Smallmouth Bass in RockLakeOntario

3# Walleye today in Wakami Lake Ontario

Lumberjack Breakfast

The Lumberjack Breakfast prepared by the park staff this morning was really good.  Pancakes, sausages, beans, maple syrup, juice and coffee. YUM!  9:30 would have been a little late for breakfast in a fishing camp had it not been raining.  Good deal, sleep in and have breakfast served.

Wakami Wailers

On Friday night of the long weekend (Civic Holiday in Canada) we were treated to a performance of folksongs by a group with it’s roots here in the park.  Many years ago these gentlemen began performing here and adopted the name Wakami Wailers.  One was the Park Superintendent and another worked in a different park.  This performance was the 1st time they performed together in 6 years and the first time in the park in 13 years. With guitars, mandolin, banjo, fiddle/violin, spoons, drum, harmonica with some boot stomping and hand clapping the performance lasted over 2 hours.  Great harmony and stories of logging traditions important to the region and park itself.  The benefit concert was for restoration and operation of the park’s logging museum.Wakami Wailers Comp_0009 Woody Comp_0012

Other Chicago

The gigantic gargoyles on State Street.  Huge “head shaped” flower pots all along Congress Plaza.  Planter head_0178Segway tours and rent-a-bikes on crowded pathways…great for them I guess a bit of a hazard for the rest of us.  Smells, good and not so good but an integral part of the city experience.






Then there was sunrise!

Sunrise grant Park_0272