Happy Birthday America

We opened the windows a bit and settled in to watch the city change as the sun slowly set.  The sound of a fantastic swing band Swing band Comp_0242playing in the band shell just below us floated up.   Colored lights began to show as they danced on the water of the fountain as did the bright white patterns of the Ferris wheel lights on Navy Pier.Navy Pier_0248

Red, white, and blue began to glow on the Aquarium, Solider Field,building lighting_0236 Anthem’s high rise, along the Pier and other office buildings.  Very cool.

Promptly at 9:30 the sky was lit up by fireworks.  I’d say it was a pretty good birthday party.

Reunion Trip

The oldest graduate present at the Alumni Dinner belonged to the class of 1937 (76 years ago).  All the respective classes represented were also recognized.  The tour of the school prior to the dinner brought back a lot of memories.  It was the first meeting for many members of the class of 1973 in 40 years.  It was good to see them and visit for a few hours.

The day after the alumni dinner we met for a class reunion.  It was great to reminisce and get reacquainted with classmates/friends I had not seen for 40 years.  More were able to make it to the reunion than were at the alumni dinner.  “White Falcons” returned from CT, FL, OH, MD, MI, PA, VA, and WI for some time together.  We shared a somber moment for the 5 (of 92) classmates who have passed away.

reunion comp_0215

While in the area I reconnected with aunts, uncles and cousins, some of which I hadn’t seen in 20+ years.  I even tagged along to barbershop quartet practice and had a great time.  Another highlight was a haircut by the first barber I can remember.  He as been providing haircuts and community news for 65 years.

What a great time!

Eagle flyover

As we were preparing to leave Patoka campground a bald Eagle in full adult plumage flew just above the trees over camp. I ended up seeing him about 3 times in the hour while we were breaking camp and loading the trailer.  The crows were making a terrible racket as he cruised around camp.  Those picnic crows really want to protect their campground.

Bearing buddy missing

We came in from boating and found one of the bearing covers missing off the boat trailer.  So when we pulled the boat the bearing got wet.  It does not seem likely the cover came off driving from the campground to the ramp since it had been in place for about 5 years through lots of potholes.  My guess is someone lost one on the way to the lake so they borrowed ours.  Hopefully I am wrong.  A quick trip to the auto parts store for a new cover and a repack and we are back in business.  Guess I should rub some mud on the new one!  Those shiny stainless things are too tempting to some folks.

Grand Ole Opry

No visit to Nashville would be complete without a visit to the Grand Ole Opry.  All the pre-show announcements were made by a newer version of Minnie Pearl with the pricetag on her hat and her signature greeting.  I had forgotten one negative from the live radio show performance, the commercials.  But, they give them time to change performers on stage.  Fortunate timing presented us with quite a list of performers such as; Striking Matches, Jimmy Newman, Del McCoury Band, Connie Smith, Jimmy Wayne, Shooter Jennings, Jesse Coulter, & Alabama.

Alabama on stage It has been 30 years since Alabama performed at the Opry.  Nice harmony and quite an enjoyable evening.

Daytona Beach

We enjoyed a peaceful afternoon watching the waves and lunching at Joes Crab Shack.  We saw signs of preparation for this place’s other side, Bike week and weeks of spring break.  I’d say our timing was perfect.