Catching up with an old friend

Had the opportunity to check in with Mike Ohlinger from HS and band. He and I ran together some during school and he went on to be part of the US Army band then settled in Baltimore. We met at his lovely house and talked about old times then out to dinner where we met one of his longtime friends in Baltimore and his son. After dinner it was off to the Ravens game with New Orleans. He is a long-time season ticket holder. Seats in the 3rd row are sure different than watching the game on TV. The final score was not what the faithful wanted as their “never misses” kicker missed an extra point and did not send the game into overtime. Still a good time was had by all and it was good to meet Tony and AJ.

Well isn’t that special

Thursday we are headed to Arlington National Cemetery. Three lanes of traffic doing the stop and go thing for miles and “bink” the low air pressure light comes on. No berms, few ramps, and aggressive traffic everywhere. Finally get off the expressway and into a residential area to survey the tires. All seem OK. Well it is cooler that it has been for months so maybe it is just one a little low. A quick stop at a station to put $1.50 in a pump and all is well. Turns out all were a little low but one was at 27. So back on our way, into the fray. It really should not take over an hour to go 19 miles!!!

Today our plan was to visit the Goddard Space Center. All loaded up and “click” nothing. The battery is done. Not many people around in camp who are up and the car has the motorhome parked in so the jumper won’t reach from the motorhome to the car. Pulled a battery out of the trailer to use for a jump start. Lynn did some research while I got the car started and it is off for a new battery. Ordered the new battery online with pickup in the store. When I arrived, they said “Oh we don’t have any in inventory and won’t until Tuesday”. As I was giving him grief for why I could buy it and drive straight there to pickup and not get one, the manager corrected him and pointed out my battery sitting there ready and waiting. With a not so quick change in the parking lot we were on our way. It certainly could have been worse. It could have happened yesterday when we were miles back in a Wildlife Refuge or while we were in town. At least we were lucky even if the MegaMillions remains unclaimed.

On the Road Again

It has been months since we parked the motorhome and embarked on a rehab project on a home built in 1884. I love old houses and this one was a good place to practice the “handyman” skills. We were able to do a few updates and a few restorations and bring this classic back to lIt has been months since we parked the motorhome and embarked on a rehab project on a home built in 1884. I love old houses and this one was a good place to practice the “handyman” skills. We were able to do a few updates and a few restorations and bring this classic back to life. It was time well spent and should allow this house to serve for many years to come.
It was a little bittersweet pulling out of the driveway today knowing it was for the last time since “closing” and the transfer of ownership are at hand. Time to move out of the way and get “Back on the Road”. A side benefit of this house renovation project was the location. It was within a short drive of the newest member of the Sayre clan.
Our granddaughter Willamina (Willa) Sayre was born June 2 and is doing well. Mike and Tracy seem to be enjoying the lack of sleep and the interrupted schedule that come with a newborn. Actually, Willa is very good and at 3 months is sleeping 8-10 hours at night. She even tolerates being held by Grandpa.
With assistance from one of Mike and Tracy’s neighbors we were able to spend 3 weeks visiting from just 2 floors away in the same building. Gave us a real chance to get acquainted. Our first stop on the road is just a few hours north of NYC. We can manage one more trip to see Willa before we get further away.
ife. It was time well spent and should allow this house to serve for many years to come.
It was a little bittersweet pulling out of the driveway today knowing it was for the last time since “closing” and the transfer of ownership are at hand. Time to move out of the way and get “Back on the Road”. A side benefit of this house renovation project was the location. It was within a short drive of the newest member of the Sayre clan.
Our granddaughter Willamina (Willa) Sayre was born June 2 and is doing well. Mike and Tracy seem to be enjoying the lack of sleep and the interrupted schedule that come with a newborn. Actually, Willa is very good and at 3 months is sleeping 8-10 hours at night. She even tolerates being held by Grandpa.
With assistance from one of Mike and Tracy’s neighbors we were able to spend 3 weeks visiting from just 2 floors away in the same building. Gave us a real chance to get acquainted. Our first stop on the road is just a few hours north of NYC. We can manage one more trip to see Willa before we get further away.

Family Christmas

Brian and Johnna hosted the Sayre Family Christmas this year. Mike and Tracy joined Lynn and I for the trip to Houston.  We added a stop in Louisville on the way south.  Turns out 3500 miles in 5 days in the “Rudolf” Focus is a little more driving and riding than all preferred even with such good company.  But, given issues with weather and air travel it might still have been a good idea.  We enjoyed our time in Houston and the chance to see Brian and Johnna’s new home.

After Houston we spent a few days with Lynn’s family in PA before Mike and Tracy headed back to NY and Lynn and I to CT for some more remodeling at the historic Hale House(circa 1884).

A different winter plan

We usually look for some structured task to occupy the coldest months of the year. When it is cold and/or rainy it is too easy to just sit around in the Motorhome and be lazy.  Past tasks have included a state park and a wildlife refuge in Texas.  This year we are going to try our hand at house repairs.  Carol, Lynn’s sister, owns a home built in the late 1800’s, and if you have ever lived in one you know how much maintenance is required.  The biggest issue is location.  It gets cold in Connecticut and they get snow.  Both totally against our adopted “snowbird” guide to locations.  But, we’ll give it a try.

So, we needed to place the motorhome into storage.  I found it a nice home in a rural part of Pennsylvania close to Lynn’s mother’s house.  And yes some things are indeed cheaper in the country so the location made sense.  Well the new facility was running a little behind it’s occupancy date so we ended up temporarily storing the motorhome then moving it into covered shelter a few weeks later, during a visit to mom’s house.

We got a nice early start to minimize traffic around NYC as we traveled to PA. Things were going well in spite of the heavy wind and rain until the Focus just quit at about 60mph in the left lane on I-81 near Harrisburg.  My initial diagnosis was “out of gas” but the gauge says 1/8+.  Well as luck would have it we were close to an exit with a gas station and a fuel can.  Gas added, it started back up.  Drove to a close exit and topped off the tank and indeed it was empty!  That’s a new wrinkle, don’t trust the gauge or the “miles to empty” reading on the dash.  I don’t like it but I can deal with it for now.  We finished our visit and the motorhome move and headed back to CT.

The Focus wasn’t idling right and was hard to start when we bought gas. Seems like time to seek help.  I explained the symptoms at the local Ford dealer and they pulled out a Technical Service Bulletin summarizing all the issues.  Seems Ford is having failures with the Fuel Vapor recovery valve(collects gas vapors from fuel tank filling) and later sends them through the engine for combustion).  When this valve fails it collapses the fuel tank and damages the fuel pump and sensor.  Great! and oh by the way it is not under warranty.  Needless to say Ford is currently on the “naughty” list awfully close to Christmas.  But, with a new tank, fuel pump sending unit and vapor recovery valve all appears well.