Day 1

I am thrilled to find Willa setting up in bed looking out at sunrise this morning.  She never really said anything just watched in amazement out the open window from her bed.  She is feeling well and seemingly mesmerized by the changing light.  Hazel is up soon after and in equally good mood.  It is a lazy travel recovery day so there is sleeping late and napping.  We open a care package from Aunt Carol, fantastic cookies and tooters.

We discover treasure maps and the hunt is on.  Fun for all.  Loot at the end is gold chocolate coins.

Kent’s birthday dinner is minestrone and key lime pie “cake”.  It is a vegan recipe that I have tried before but it would not have won any prizes this time.  We ate a piece though to celebrate.

Christmas Holiday celebration begins as the girls each open a couple gifts.  Message in a bottle ornaments are distributed.  Willa sets out cookies and milk for Santa (thank you Aunt Carol) and carrots for the reindeer.  Together we set out stockings for everyone, actually Christmas print sun hats.

The Kingston crew arrives

It is off to the Airport.  The kids are renting a car but Nana and Granpa have a car seat for Hazel allowing them to travel with just one.  We arrive at baggage claim and hatch a plan that Mike and Granpa can get the rental car and Nana, Tracy, Willa and Hazel will take most of the luggage and the truck back and not wait for the rental car pickup.  So, I head away from baggage claim to intercept Mike and go straight to the rental car pickup.  But I am met by enthusiastic granddaughters running to meet me and calling for Granpa.  Scrap the plan.   I need to see the Nana greeting.  It was just as amazing.  The modified plan is to go after the rental car and meet at the Cell Phone lot.  Strangely enough Mike and I arrive just before Lynn, Tracy and the girls.  Hazel’s car seat needed a lot of adjustment, she has grown a lot since August.  We swap luggage around to get it all inside and we are off toward Marathon. It has been a 12+ hour travel day for the girls.  There is a bit of “are we there yet” and a call for a potty stop almost as soon as we get out on the highway but, they are pretty well entertained by Nana all the way until Willa declares an unrelenting ear ache.  She is recovering from a cold and flying must have aggravated her ears.  It is alternating napping and crying the last 30 minutes or so.  Not the best start for the Holiday.   Hazel goes right to sleep once we get her settled in in her room.  Willa has a rough night dreaming and waking til midnight or so.  She is in the neighboring queen in our room.  We are relived for both her and us when she settles in.  We all have our fingers crossed that she’ll feel better in the morning.

Our first guest then out to Marathon

We gather Brian at the airport then head for the Royal Coco Plum Club condo on the beach in Marathon.  It is over an hour drive but uneventful.  We unload and settle in.  It is a cute place with a nice strolling beach and heated pool.  I think it will work out.  Brian gets a bit of the short stick, the couch or sleeper sofa in the living room.  Undoubtedly not the comfiest of the accommodations but he is up for it.

The houseboat adventure begins

We sleep in a little then grab breakfast at Krispy Kreme, of course.  Then it is off to Walmart to get supplies for our Houseboat adventure.  Even with the donut stop we are well ahead of schedule, check-in for the boat isn’t until 3PM, so we manage a few stops along the way to check out a couple Everglades favorite stops.

We arrive at the Marina Check-in.  It is a little early but are pleasantly greeted.  Then the bad news comes out.  “The houseboats can’t leave the dock due to high water. You should have received an email”.  Nope, we received no emails prior to leaving cell service in town a couple of hours ago.  They check and they did send an email but it was the we’re looking forward to seeing you email, not the bad news email.  “Would we like to change our reservation to stay in the floating cabin at the dock?”  Nope.  “Even at a discount?” Nope.  The point of the trip is time out in the wilderness, not tied up on a brightly lighted dock all night.  Begrudgingly they eventually come up with a full refund.  That makes twice we have been unsuccessful in our desire to spend nights on the houseboats in the glades.  Probably not up to try again.  Hmm, there might actually be a chickee in my future.  We will see.

For now, we hang in Florida City and explore coastal refuges and parks.

An easy day two? NOT!

We manage to dodge a big delay (43 minutes per GoogleMap) on I-95 near our intersection with I-26.  It reroutes us on 2-lane for about 30 miles running parallel with I-95.  Works out great and we miss the delay. Then the easy day from Savanaha to Florida City turns into a traffic mess around Miami.  Should have sprung for the tolls and taken the Florida turnpike.  We make our destination a little frustrated, later than planned, and tired but with all our paint intact.  Kent is pretty excited to spot a Krispy Kreme within a mile of tonight’s lodging.

Dinner – a great local place, Farmers Market Restaurant.  They were making their “famous key lime pies” when we arrived, 12 or so cooling on the counter.  Gotta have that.  Dinner first…conch appetizer not my fav but ok to try) then fish with generous portions of yummy sides.  The key lime pie has to go carryout for later.  We head “home” and crash.

We had better go early

Forecast for tomorrow is light snow.  We have some higher elevations to cross getting out of the NC mountains and they have limited snow/slick road treatment capabilities here.  Our original plan was to travel from here to St Augustine Fl one day and then on to Everglades the following day prior to our 3PM check-in.  With that plan we can’t stand a delayed start so we are leaving mid-morning today.  We load up what seems like way too much stuff and get on our way.  By day’s end we have reached Savanaha GA and get a room for the night.  Tomorrow’s drive to Florida City should be a relative breeze.

Christmas is coming soon

It is our year to host and we all heading down to Marathon Key for a bit of warm weather, we hope.  First there is finding a suitable house to rent, arranging for flying travelers, menu planning, grandkid gift shopping, ornament making, and lots of grocery shopping.  Kent and I are squeezing in a couple nights on a houseboat in Everglades National Park.  It is a bucket list thing for me to experience the sights, sounds and smells of that lush wild environment in the night – not from a chickee platform shared with snakes and gators.  This little side trip adds another pile of stuff we will have to get into the truck somehow!  We head out December 18.

Nope, it’s not the one

House tour number one: it is actually the unfinished shell of a Southland Cabin log home.  It is exciting to imagine how we might finish it out.  Unfortunately, it isn’t the right lot and the house not placed as we might have done it.  We access using an easement across a neighbor’s lot and they have a rather unsightly habit of collecting “stuff” all over their yard.  We are going to continue looking!

Hmm, it’s pretty cold here

Nights in the high 20s to low 30s with an unpleasant amount of rain and even a coating of snow. We are scoring realtor pages and hiding as in the warm with the occasional musing that we might not have had a clear mental picture of Tennessee in the winter.  Over a day or so clouds clear and with bright sun this kind of winter feels about right.

With some guidance from friends who moved here a couple years ago, we enlist the help of a realtor and get started with loan pre-approval.  By the 12th we have our approval and first house tour on Friday.   It is likely not “the one” but it is exciting to get started.

The Marathon Drive East

Note, Kent is driving the motorhome pulling the big trailer and I am in the pick-up following.  Not the usual or preferred travel arrangement.  Start to finish we drive 2300 miles on mostly interstate highways (10, 20, 30 and 40) and log 41 hours in the truck seat over the span of 5 days.  On a positive note, traveling interstate at just under 60 the pickup gets 33.3 mpg for the trip, Yeah!

Once again, I am reminded to thank Kent for his thousands of hours behind the wheel over the years.  I definitely prefer watching the scenery!

Day 1:  We are up a little early to break camp and make one last check of the weather.   Rats, forecasts still expect 3-6 inches of snow on near Gallup NM.  So much for the shorter route taking I-40 all the way to Tennessee.  Looks like we are taking the southern route.  We connect the big trailer, loaded last night, and off we go. Our goal today is Bowie AZ.


Day 2:    Destination, Midland TX.  Turns out we planned a little too far for today and traffic through Dallas Fort Worth is terrible.  In Midland, road construction further delays arrival as closed frontage roads made getting to the RV park seemingly impossible.  We get separated and end up independently finding our way to camp facing glaring sun, dodging orange barrels and running slalom courses between narrowly spaced concrete barriers.   The sun is setting as we pull into camp.  To brighten up a long day, in what seemed like a good idea at the time, Lynn took a detour to get ice cream treats and bring some to Kent.  The motorhome rumbles along at under 60 while the speed limit here is 80.  So, the thought was she could run the speed limit, go ahead a few miles for a quick stop at Dairy Queen then catch up with the ice cream.  It didn’t work out quite as planned.  Ultimately, she fell 13 miles behind then speed limits dropped making her progress slower than calculated. She was just about caught up when we entered Midland.  Kent’s milkshake was a bit soft by the time he claimed it, in camp.


Day 3:  We are heading for Texarkana AR.  We are up and set to go earlier today to prevent another after dark arrival.  Not so fast, when we pulled in last night, I rhythmically put the stabilizing jacks down, then noted how soft the ground was and immediately pulled them back up.  Or maybe just part of the way back up, before I shut off the engine.  Whatever the cause, the jacks went into alarm when we tried to start out for the day.  So much for the early start!  Out comes the owner’s manual to refresh the error clearing button pushing sequence.  It seemed to clear…but nope, I still get an error.  It isn’t a glamorous solution but I disconnect power and communication wires to each jack.  Now it at least won’t do anything unexpected while driving down the road.  The controller still blinks and sounds an alarm but I can calm all that by turning it off then on again.  That will have to do for now.  We are heading out with repairs to be made at a later date.

Day 4: Today, Hurricane Mills TN, just east of the Tennessee River.  We catch a bit of traffic in Nashville morning rush hour but the day is otherwise pretty smooth.   I will call it cumulative driver fatigue but I just don’t feel like cooking tonight.  We head for the Log Cabin Diner.  Lynn tries the meatloaf with mashed potatoes recommended by locals and Kent some chicken fried steak.  All is good and portions generous.  We take a piece of pecan pie home for later.


Day 5:  Newland NC, where we are planning on month to month at Plumtree Campground until we find our place.  The day’s drive is thankfully a bit shorter than others and we wind our way back the holler to Plumtree Campground on Big Plumtree Creek Rd off twisty turny 19E. The whole place is terraced into a rolling mountainside and sites a bit smaller than described.  We drop the trailer and with the help of lots of leveling blocks lay claim to our home for a while, site D5.   The groundskeeper/host, Jimmy, is friendly and helpful as we settle in.