Back on the Hunt for Manatees

Carol is with us today as we head out to Salt Springs again to check for Manatees.  The cold weather has dropped the lake water temperature to 57 degrees encouraging the manatees to seek warmer water.  It is a constant 74 degrees at the spring.  We take a leisurely ride up salt run sharing the ride with eagles, great blue heron, egrets, anhinga, kingfisher, and hawks.  Along the way the water temperature is rising as anticipated.  We have a fleeting sighting of the 1st manatee before we even arrive at the spring.  We anchor at the spring pool and sit quietly.  The gentle giants swim around and under the boat.  One is tugging at the floats attached to crab traps in the area; a bit like enrichment toys for animals in the zoo.  Big whiskered noses break the surface for a quiet breath.  All together we probably see 6 manatees.  It is a nice outing.

The wind has built up while we are out. Kent sneaks around the downwind side of the island for a bit smoother ride but we get a pretty bumpy ride home.

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