Back on the road

In these next three weeks we move from New York to our winter camp. Georgetown Marina in Florida.  We have a little time so we dawdle our way south.

We stay to the familiar interstates this segment of the trip across Northern Pennsylvania but views are still amazing.  One mountain ridge after another is blanketed with warm golds and browns dotted with red.

We stop over in York for a bit of family time.  Grown-ups are all well and grandniece, Harlow, is doing a lot more talking and always on the go.

Next stop, Skyline Drive Virginia. We leave the rig down in the valley in Edinburgh to cruise the drive more leisurely in the car.  We have seen more wildlife on the drive in the summer but when it comes to scenery, I say there is no better time of year for this drive.  We stop at nearly every viewpoint and hit a few trails.

The first day we go for elevation and long views: Compton Peak trail (3 mi 850ft elevation change) and Mary’s Rock Summit  trail (2.9 mi 830ft elevation change ).  Views from atop make them both worth the work to get there.

On a hazy day we head out on Dark Hollow Falls trail.  The creek babbles beside us, tumbling and gurgling over leaf strewn boulders as we descend with it.  It is beautiful.

It is my Birthday.  What a beautiful place to celebrate.  Kent cooks dinner on the actual date, then I get to celebrate the next day at the Edinburg Mill Restaurant with local cider and some awesome prime rib.  I think 65 was a good year.  Here is to 66.

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