Bad Hat!

A long utilized accessory made another attempt at freedom. In March 2011, I found a hat along the road in Joshua Tree National Park.  There was no way to find the owner so it was adopted.  BadHatfenceComp_5468Since that time it has sought freedom along a trail in Delaware Water Gap NP when it stayed on a rock while we continued along the trail.  Once it absence was noted I doubled back to find it being washed in a creek by a potential foster parent who returned it.  Later in Ontario it stayed on a log after a break and was homeless for 30 minutes until retrieved.  This week it stayed on a rock after a hiking break and was homeless for a couple of hours until we returned along the trail to give it a short day of hiking.  Over the years it has faded and earned some battle scars, the most notable a hole delivered by Brian and Johnna’s dog Sara when it leapt to freedom while both hands were busy painting.  Those battle scars may explain this week’s long freedom while being bypassed by many hikers.  It is back home and enjoyed the trails in Craters of the Moon National Monument today.

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