Birding from our window

Our site at Douglas Lake is along the riverbank with a lovely view and a fair number of birds to watch.  Gold finches flit around the tree tops, wood peckers rat-a-tat, eagles soar, cormorants glide up and down river just above the water surface, and a group of great blue heron fish diligently to feed the young in the nearby rookery.  Did you know that the heron actually lands in deep water sometimes? It is not very graceful to watch but must be an effective hunting method.  We watched them do it repeatedly.  In the evenings a tom turkey is first heard then seen strutting and he stays at it for hours attracting and wooing just one female.  One morning we hear and watch 8 toms (not sure if our lone evening fellow is in with them) and at least 10 females puffing and strutting and racing about.  No TV channels here but the bird watching is better than most shows anyway.

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