Boundary Waters Canoe Area by the numbers

Paddled in 5 days out and back: Sawbill Lk, Ada Creek, Ada Lk, Sloop Lk , Cherokee Creek, Cherokee Lk, Gordon Lk, Long Island River, Long Island Lk, & Doe Lake

Campsites: 3

Miles paddled: 28.3 + sight seeing

# Portages: 7X2 for Kent & Lynn, 8X2 for Mike and Tracy

# Beaver Dams crossed: 6 X 2

Portage Distance on Map: 2.4 miles

Portage Distance Actual: 3 miles  The difference is attributed to a creek that can no longer be paddled so you slog along the creek bank in the mud for 0.4 miles, Yuk!

Canoe weight 40#each X 2

Total Weight 4 Packs 123# + 2 daypacks

Depth of mudhole found by Mike on portage approx 13”

Rainfall during day 2 of trip 1.4”

Pictures taken: 378

Fanua observed; Loon, Eagle, Grouse, Mink, Beaver, Otter, squirrel, chipmunk, mouse, frog, Crow, owl, coyote, gulls, jays, nuthatches, kingfishers, turtles, coots, mergansers, red headed ducks

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