Bryce Canyon National Park

Our trip into the park yesterday told us that even in October this place is busy mid-day.  So, we set the alarm for 6:45AM.  It is in the mid-20s and first light glints off the heavy frost on everything.  Distant mountain tops in all directions sport a new dusting of snow creating a perfect backdrop for fall colors.  Off we go.  We are in the park and at Rainbow point by 9AM.  Parking is no problem, yeah.  We have lots of clothes with us and the sun is toasty.  We set out to explore.

We start with views from the rim beginning at the furthest stop on the scenic drive, Yovimpa and Rainbow Points, then moving in toward the main amphitheater.   Views are absolutely amazing and different from every angle and every stop.  On this far end of the canyon it is all the work of nature.  The hordes of tromping boots are mostly held up on the rim; minimizing trail scars among the hoodoos below. Between the overlooks the bristlecone pine loop takes us past these hardy ancient pines that manage to survive in the cold, wind, scarce water and rocky ground above 9000 ft.  Gnarly, 1000+ years old and amazing.  Check out the namesake cones. We move on stopping at every pull out and taking dozens of pictures.

Now it’s time to wander among the hoodoos.  On the recommendation from the ranger (amazing hoodoos and not many other hikers), we choose the Tower Bridge Trail.  It is short, just 1 1/2 miles each way but it does go to the bottom of the canyon meaning an 800 ft drop in elevation.  It is an out and back; so, yep that’s 800 ft back up.  All this starts at 8000 ft elevation.  We wind among ever changing formations, rocks, spires, castle-like, spiraling walls, and sentinel towers standing solo among the many.  Trail side signs encourage extra care as we make our way through a sensitive vegetation area, another “grove” of bristle cone pines.  Our toes are cramping from the continuous downhill when we reach crisscrossing streambeds, this must be the bottom!  There just ahead, is the Tower Bridge hoodoo.  Definitely castle-tower-like and pretty cool.  It is absolutely silent here.  What a perfect place for lunch break.  Our pace up is just perfect for admiring lots more hoodoos from differing angles…..Back at the car we log in at 4.89 miles total door to door for this walk and 1095ft elevation change.   Well worth it to get the unique perspective of hoodoos from right among them.

We are back home entertained by the prairie dogs all around us.  There is dinner then a beautiful black night sky.  We fall into bed with the milky way arching across overhead.

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