But who is counting

Kent is leading in the fish count; two to my one and he now has the largest (barely), 2.84lbs.

Wait A minute, interruption, a roadrunner just zipped through the site across from us!  We saw him earlier today posing atop a ridge seeming to warm in the morning sun.  It is fun to see them close up.

Calm winds and light boat traffic gave us a smooth boat ride this morning.  We scouted for big horn again but no luck.  Fishing was pretty good.  Kent caught one and had another on the line but it slipped the hook before he could bring it in.  We spotted many more through the crystal-clear water to depth of around 25 feet.  Most just didn’t seem to want what we were offering. Time on the lake was amazingly quiet filled only with sounds of the wild around us.  We end our lake time with cooling dip ….. a short one.  62F is pretty cold!

Hummingbirds frequent the oleander planted all around camp and the feeders long-term campers have out.  California quail scurry about; two cross in front of us as we take an evening stroll.  House wrens warble and dart from bush to bush.  Red wing black birds and grackles fill the air with a seemingly endless repertoire of squeaks, whistles and guttural sounds.  Doves and crows add their distinctive calls to the chorus.

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