A Birthday!

“Twenty one for the third time”, I like that perspective, Johnna! Well, 63 is ok too and it brings me two chances to celebrate. My early celebration, a day at Long’s Park then dinner at Harvest in Lancaster with Kent, Mike, Tracy, Willa and Carol. Thanks guys, for a great day. Take two, hanging out with Brian and Johnna then a seafood dinner at Floyd’s in Houston. Birthday cake included those relighting candles (wonder who was responsible for that, Brian!). Another wonderful day. Thanks to the Texas kids too!

Can’t miss a chance for a grandbaby fix

It has been three months since Mike and Tracy and Willa spent time with us in Canada. Pictures and video calls give us a peek at the big milestones but Willa is changing so fast we are thrilled for a chance to check in in person. Tracy’s Film Challenge efforts take them to Reading PA just stone’s throw from the Wasik clan so we head east to meet up and catch up. It is a chance to meet our 4-month-old great niece, Harlow too. A double little person fix! Harlow is ado¬¬¬rable and a huge reminder that Willa is not a baby any more. She was sooo close to walking on her own back in July and now takes off without hesitation in pursuit of whatever is out of reach. She has mastered the most important words, No and Yes and shoe (if you love to walk you gotta have shoes). Add to that a growing vocabulary of baby sign language and she can pretty much make her needs known. She’s getting a handle on letting her emotions be known too. It is amazing to watch this whole little person emerge.
It was a low key couple days just sharing everyday things: lots of walking, playground time with slides and swings, crunchy leaves and rocks to climb on, some coloring, a bit or reading….. We enjoyed every minute. It makes my heart soar to watch these two wonderful, loving, young people parenting.

Ok, all is back to “normal”

The Focus is back to its old self – shinny bright red and hail dent free.  We picked it up September 26.

We picked up the motorhome yesterday, October 3.   We still have some reorganizing to do but it is nice to be back in our own bed!

The trip home with the motorhome was somewhat eventful since they failed to secure the turbocharger output line properly.  About halfway to our campsite it blew off and the motorhome immediately lost most of it’s power.  Luckily it was a quick fix, and we were back on the road. Fortunately, it did not happen in the mayhem that is Houston traffic, we were north on the two-lane interstate with a handy exit.

The annoying part: everyone took MUCH longer than they promised!!!

The fun part: we got to stay at Brian and Johnna’s the last 10 days of our homeless period.  We did some cooking, some puttering around the house and yard, and spent an evening at the Fort Bend Fair that included some usual finds: funnels cakes, turkey legs and some of those twisty potato chips and one activity entirely new to us, mutton bust’n.  If you ever get a chance don’t miss it.  The event features little kids (a max weight of 55 pounds) clinging to the back of a sheep as they are released into the arena.  Longest ride is the winner.  Rodeo clowns scoop the kids up about as soon as they hit the dirt and raise them on their shoulders to wave to the crowd.  Some look thrilled at the experience and some not so much.  Expressions range from broad, proud smiles to teary eyes.  Maybe it has something to do with whether they have to pour dirt out of your helmet and facemask?!  

We checked out Brazos Bend State park.  Yep, they still have alligators.  We drove through San Bernard National Wildlife Refuge just to scope it out.  We are set to volunteer there starting in November.  It is about an hour from Rosenberg so we hope to be able to spend some of our off time with the kids.    

Still waiting

And now it is raining A LOT

The body shop has now stretched Focus repairs to over two weeks and no word yet on when they will even start on the Motorhome.   Obviously, the International Truck repair shop isn’t looking for any referrals from us for motorhome work or even a passing grade review.  Stay tuned for how this all works out

Willa’s first stay at Grandpa and Nana’s house!

Mike and Tracy carved out over a week to come see us here in the Canadian Rockies.  We are very excited.  At baggage claim in the Calgary airport we anxiously await their arrival.  Any minute now!  There they are, Willa’s little head peeking around Dad’s from her perch in the carrier.  What a smile.  Makes the heart melt!  Greetings all around then we gather up luggage and head for camp, Banff Tunnel Mountain 1 campground site K57.  It is a quiet site on the corner of the loop and backed up to a grassy power right of way.  Pretty good odds for animal viewing!        

There are places to go and things to see

An overlook high on the bluffs above the valley with a great look at Hoodoos and a magnificent view of the meandering Bow River is an easy stroll from camp.  We see our first elk contentedly grazing before we even get out of camp.  We had to cross the road to keep our distance.  Once in the open it is pretty windy but still nice to be out so we extend the walk out through a forested area.  A doe and two fawns make an appearance.  We put in about 3.7 miles our first full day.  Time to chill in camp for the evening.  A Coyote makes its way through the tall grass just beyond our site. 

Mountains encircle Lake Minnewanka, beautiful.  Grandpa has Willa in the carrier as we venture out Stewart Canyon trail.  The hike begins high above the creek as it tumbles its way to the lake.  We continue to a place where a side creek allows the kids to get down to the cold snow melt waters.  Willa hangs out with Grandpa and Nana exploring the rocky streambed, snacking, and moving rocks, because they are there.  This is a beautiful quiet place with the smell of pine along with the sight and gurgle of fast-moving water just the right distance away.  Mike shoulders the load heading back to the lake.   We are greeted by a VERY friendly golden mantled ground squirrel as we wrap up our lake time.  It is early, we head into Banff to check out some shops and maybe find a nice café with street-side dining to relax.  We stumble upon a puppet show put on by the National Park.  It is all about stewardship but told through the life of a baby black bear who got separated from its Mom and ultimately reunited.  Willa’s attention is alternately drawn to the puppets and the live ukulele player who stands nearby.  It is well done and lots of fun.  Everyone gets the munchies and we push Friday homemade Pizza night to Saturday and set out in search of a restaurant.  It takes a bit of looking but we settle on Park Distillery.  We find of lots of fun cocktails mixed with their own gin, vodka, and rye and sample a few.  To our great surprise, they also have a pretty broad vegan menu….winner all around.  It is a lovely end to a great day.            

Despite a questionable forecast we pack up to head for Boom Lake. Next camping trip Willa will have her own pack, she tried Mom’s today but it’s a bit too much!

Boom Lake

The trail includes a fair amount of uphill but not too taxing then opens up onto a beautiful alpine lake ringed by mountains with a large section of grey boulder, talus slope.  Bright sun would have made the view perfect but it isn’t to shabby even on this grey cool day.  We soak in the beauty, lunch, and relax until the clouds start to spit.  Tracy bundles Willa up like a little cocoon and she naps against Mike’s back as we head back to the trailhead.  Thunder in the distance and periods of pretty heavy rain urge us to make better time then our stroll out to the lake.  We are glad for the warm dry car after 6.8-mile roundtrip.       

Johnson Canyon trail is a signature hike for Banff park.  They see a million visitors on this trail every year and we know it’ll be a zoo but we just have to see it.  Our plan is to go on out to ink pots with the anticipation that crowds will thin out as the distance and difficulty increase.  Even with a pretty early start we are turned away at the main lot but find parking just ¼ mile up the road.  No problem…Willa is loaded up.  Thanks for the ride Daddy Sherpa.  Let’s go.  It is beautiful…pretty crowded especially at falls overlooks but manageable.  Crowds thin as we move above the top of the falls and we nearly have the trail to ourselves as we move toward the ink pots. There is a lot of uphill!  Trees thin and our view opens up to the broad Johnson Creek upper canyon and the braided flow path of the creek.  Winding paths and foot bridges crisscross between still pools where springs bubble up to form concentric rings in the silty bottoms, the ink pots.   We relax, explore, and lunch before heading back.  Willa put in some more walking miles, checked out wild flowers, and got close but not quite in the cold water.  It is a full day, 8.7 miles round trip, but we are glad we included the quieter stretch out to the ink pots.   Oh yeah, we spotted a grizzly bear on the drive out to the trailhead.  Nice bonus.

The view from above. Today we take the Banff Gondola up Mt Sulfur.  Wow.  The ride is fun and the view fantastic and includes six different mountain ranges.  We check out the open-air lounge, walk the peak trail, and sample café fare at a sunny table with a wonderful view.  Ewe and baby bighorn sheep make a perfectly timed appearance so we get an up-close look.  Back home, it is hammock time and a chance for a different view of camp; out the MH window.

The Icefields Parkway, magnificent views in route to The Icefields Discovery Center and tomorrow’s Columbia Icefields Experience and the Skywalk.  Camp is not exactly a remote pristine natural setting; it is the paved lot at the Icefield Center.  But the view is wonderful and at night when traffic and people noises die down we are within earshot of the cracking and crashing as pieces naturally cleave off the five glaciers that drape the mountains around us.  Plus, it puts us close to the start point of our excursion onto the glacier tomorrow.  We learn about Katabatic winds generated as ice-chilled air slides down off the glaciers and sweeps across the land, we now know that this icefield includes snow dome,

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a hydrological apex, which feeds melt water to three oceans (Atlantic, Artic and Pacific), we see unrefutable proof that the earth is warming as evidenced by accelerating retreat of nearly all of the Canadian Rockies glaciers, including the Athabasca glacier we will walk on tomorrow.       

Layer up then load up.  First a bus then this huge crawler that moves across the steep slopes (up to 32 degrees) of moraine then out onto Athabasca Glacier.   The tires are nearly as tall as a person and the ride is a bit rough but it is an exciting start to the journey.   The day is a little grey and the cold wind is howling as we climb out onto the ice.  Yikes, it is cold but we have lots of clothes on and head out to explore.  Willa even has her felt shoe-mittens on!  We adults slowly pick our way across the wet ice as it is slick underfoot but Willa is anxious to move.  We get in some walking, lots of pictures, sample the glacier melt water, and admire the view for a bit.  The cold sinks in as feet are wet and the unsure footing is a bit stressful.  Time to head back to the warmth and relative safety of our huge tired creeper and the next part of the adventure, a skywalk 981 feet above the Sunwapta River nestled among the towering mountains. 

A walkway leads toward a sweeping cantilevered arc over the river valley.  It is lined with signage and a great audio tour that provide lots of info about geology, glaciers, wildlife, and climate.  There are more fantastic views.  We are out of the cold wind plus warmed by the now brightly shinning afternoon sun.  We make it a mostly leisurely stroll with a bit of stress for Tracy.  Heights are not really her thing.  Come to think of it, she has been quite the trooper on that account this entire trip.  Willa alternates napping and checking out the views.     We dawdle on the drive off the icefield parkway.  Willa rides with Grandpa and Nana so Mom and Dad can check out some overlooks and short trails.  Our first surprise, a great look at a grizzly bear enjoying berries.  We stop and watch as he munches contentedly.  Later, big horn sheep make a showing along the roadside.  Mike and Tracy check out Bridal Veil falls.  We picnic at Bow Lake then head on to Cochrane as the kids return flight looms near.  

There is fun time in camp

We are chilling in camp Willa tightly gripping the nearest available finger and practicing her walking — something she did A LOT of this week.   “A bear”, I hear Tracy call out.  No way, I think and assume she is messing with me.  Nope!  It is definitely a bear intently devouring berries in the site right next to us.  He seems unfazed by people watching and we get to watch for quite some time before he moves on, in search of another tasty berry patch.  What a great start to the day.  We hang out in camp relaxing with the only interruptions being a rousing game of bocce (tall grass, mud puddles, tire ruts and tree roots – some unusual course challenges)

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and the fun of watching Willa with a few toys we found in the motorhome: a purse full of bling from great grandma Wasik, crayons, and the airport Mike played with as a kid.   We hang out as Mike gets his campfire cook thing on.  By the time the week is over he gets in a good bit of open fire cooking…..yummy.   He chars eggplant and builds a great bed of coals for our Dutch oven supper.   We end our day with a herd of cow and young elk moving just past camp.  Yearling males play-spar and the youngest members run and jump among the adults.  Good night.

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We are chilling after the Johnston Canyon hike and the elk move right through camp.  They peacefully graze for over an hour all around us sometimes within 7 meters of the picnic table.  Who needs TV or internet when we have this kind of live entertainment?!­­ 

Camp cooking is a highlight.  Grilled portabella burgers and ear corn.  Veggie burritos.  Homemade pizza…Pizza Friday on Saturday!  Dutch oven vegan chili.  Richly smoky baba ghanoush made with open-fire charred eggplant.  Grilled cauliflower steaks that add to a hearty quinoa vegie stir.  Pineapple/tofu kabobs with grilled sweet potato fries.  Homemade rustic (read lumpy ‘cause no super blender) hummus.  Potato leek soup.  Eggplant marinara spaghetti.  Charred jalapeno that add flavor to many dishes.  S’mores.  Blueberry pie-iron pies.  Thanks Mike, for all the open fire cooking and the delicious contributions to every meal.

Willa takes great delight in the dogs around camp.  She masters woof woof whenever they make an appearance.  Elk and bighorn sheep illicit a similar reaction.  It is great fun to watch.  She and I investigate my medallions every morning and that is where she learned more animal sounds:  “meow”, actually her own adorable version and a variation of cluck cluck for chickens.  All so very cute!    

Back to the blog….June has been family month

With the rig safely tucked away in Reno we headed back East for a couple special events and some plain ole family time.

First: Willa’s 1st birthday.  No way Grandpa and Nana could have missed that.  The party was perfect.  We got to enjoy some outdoor time with beautiful weather and lots of the kids’ friends.  Guests came bearing all manner of yummy food (including cupcakes and the smash cake even if I say so myself).  Willa had fun as did all the guests.  Year one flew by…we know each upcoming will go by even faster.

Second: The baby shower for our niece who is due in July.  That was a fun event too and a chance to catch up with some extended family we don’t often see.  We are anxious for our role as great aunt and uncle and excited for brother Bob and Lou Ann for their beginnings in grandparenting.  It will be a blast.

We sprinkled in a Fathers’ Day BBQ and a birthday wish for Tracy so there was plenty of party time.  There was time to just hang out too, which there never seems to be enough of.  Thanks to my sister Carol for letting us crash at her place much of the time.        

Family time.  Love it!