Wow, it is one giant costume party!

paradecomp_7653 cabertosscomp_7658Brian, Johnna, Lynn and Kent take in the Texas Renaissance Fair. Ladies and Lords swish among the crowd in their elegant attire.  Glitter covered wings of fairies and pixies float past us.  Look, there are Minotaur and dinosaurs.  I didn’t hear any Klingon but I’m sure a cluster of Star Trek uniforms just brushed by.

It is Highland Games weekend; there is a LOT of plaid. Kent’s kiltkiltbenchcomp_7682 was a lovely yellow and black plaid.

If you show up without a costume, no worries. There are dozens of booths selling everything you need to make whatever transformation strikes your fancy.  We manage to resist the temptation to transform ourselves but thoroughly enjoy watching everyone around us.


Of course there is lots of food…much of it on a stick (or a stake as they call it here). Together we sample some of the highlights: steak on a stake, cheesecake on a stick, a turkey leg, berry cobbler, and even a funnel cake.


There is some jousting and a bit of caber tossing in the grand arena. Magicians and jugglers entertain from stages scattered around the grounds and music fills the air from everything from drum troupes to brass bands.


Mike check in

9/26 two week Dr visit, “doing great”. One or two enzymes not in healthy range yet but well within the recovery curve.  Same with hemoglobin, still low but within expected range.  Superficial infection at incision so on antibiotics and fever watch.  A little icky looking but “Nothing to worry about”.   Still on dilaudid 2mg but not needing it as often as allowed by prescription    Next appointment Nov 1.

NYC as parents

The real reason we were in New York, Mike.  On September 13 Mike and his friend Deryck checked into adjacent operating rooms at Mount Sinai Hospital.  Mike donated 60% of his healthy liver to replace Deryck’s failing organ. liverboysdoc_5811 I must admit that it was a frightening few hours followed by some sleepless nights during early recovery but Mike came through it all splendidly.  He is now home, resting, and re-growing that liver that will return to full function in just months.  Amazing: Mike’s generosity and the marvelous human body.

Deryck is doing well too. He hopes to be released from the hospital by the 26th.

37 years!

Wow. Another year has sped by.

We celebrated our anniversary by visiting ancient pueblo ruins. Hmm, wonder if that means anything?

Since we are about 50 miles from nowhere we had a quiet dinner at home. Check out this yummy looking lasagna and extras.Anniversary Dinner Comp_5561

It was a great way to cap off another wonderful year. Only time will tell where we will be and what we will be up to this time 2017.


I broke a molar. The dentist took a look at it today and said, “That calls for a root canal and crown”.  Wonderful!  As I am certain I have mentioned before, I really hate dentists.  I go back at 8AM tomorrow to get the work done.

Lake Coeur d’Alene

It is overcast and cool but is supposed to clear so we haul out the boat and head for the lake.

On our way to the lake we make a quick stop at the Buck Knife factory hoping to catch a tour. It is fun to see what is “still made in the USA”.  No such luck.  They were all booked up.  We wandered their little museum to read about the history of the family and manufacturing.  There is some very cool stuff in their factory store.  On to the lake!

Idaho is a bit zealous with their invasive species prevention program so we blow about an hour getting inspected and traipsing around town to buy the sticker that proves it.  No biggie though.  The day is warming and it is just before noon when we put in the lake.  Another Johnna first – using a pit toilet.  It was a somewhat biased first experience, this is a 5 star pit toilet.  It has a real seat, a clean tile floor, a door that locks, toilet paper, and those solar powered fans that really work so it didn’t smell (very much).  Still, a first!

We explore sheltered coves and enjoy lunch as we float and watch for wildlife. The lake is ringed in rich green, pine covered mountains but there is quite a bit of development at least on this end.  CourledLaneEstateComp_4615We don’t see much in the way of wildlife but enjoy checking out homes that range from floating boathouses to castles and estates.

A family of mallards comes to check out whether we have goodies to share. They circle the boat a couple times then head off to find more cooperative snack providers.

There is a little chop now as the winds have picked up but the sun is bright and warm so we take a run up lake. We skitter along the surface for another Johnna first, a ride in a small power boat. I think it was a hit.

We come in off the lake in late afternoon and manage to avoid any severe sunburn. It was a good day.

Kootenai NWR and Copper Creek Falls

You know, wildlife refuges are our thing. We pile in the car and head for Kootenai National Wildlife Refuge just north of here in Idaho.  MyrtleCreekFallsComp _4560We check out the trail to Myrtle Creek Falls; it is up hill of course as seems the case for nearly all waterfall trails.  The scent of pine is in the air and the burble of the creek is with us all the way.  Trailside placards tell the story of Orville the Moose and his loose antlers.  It is a cute children’s story written by a local.  The pages are perfectly spaced out along the trail to provide an excuse to stop and catch our breath on the way up.

Back down and on to the driving tour we see many of the usual suspects: deer, Canada geese, mallards, grebes, red winged blackbirds, even pelicans.  Then the big prize,MooseCropComp_4583 Johnna spots a cow moose munching away in a pond.  It isn’t an up close look but clearly identifiable.  That was the highlight I think.


CopperCreekWaterfallCompWe got a recommendation to check out 80 foot high Copper Creek Falls up 95 just 1 mile from the Canada border.  It involved a short hike too but was certainly worth it.  This is bear country and we sort of hoped to see one…sort of, maybe?  That didn’t happen and it spit a bit of rain but it was still a great walk.


Heading back south we took a short detour so Johnna could check off Montana as well as Idaho as states visited today.


Our peanut butter sandwiches are wearing off. It is Sunday evening so after a bit of looking and a couple false starts we settle on dinner at ZIPS.  It is a fast food place with a really broad menu.  It was a first for all of us and we had halibut fish and chips, a fish sandwich, a papa burger of some kind and chicken strips.  It wasn’t spectacular or gourmet but everyone seemed satisfied with their choice. The milk shakes received very good reviews by all.

When in Spokane

We head for Riverfront Park downtown.  There are sculptures.  Our favorites are the garbage eating goat and the giant Radio Flyer Wagon.RadioFlyerComp_4491  Of course we fed paper scraps to the goat and of course we slid down the giant wagon handle slide.  Who wouldn’t?

We rode the vintage Looff Carousel. CarouselComp_4518Brian had the coolest “steed”, an Ibex carved in 1890.  We all tried for the brass ring with varying degrees of success.

The place was swarming with little kids on Strider bikes competing in some sort of races. Striders are bikes without pedals that they straddle and push with their feet, hence the name I guess.  I had never seen them before but the kids sure seemed to be having a good time.

Saturday is farmer’s market day downtown. Today there was not a speck of produce to be found.  We got sucked in by the prattle of the scone guy though when he offered a free taste.  Before long we bought a couple to share.  The lemon iced blueberry was quite spectacular.  There was fresh produce in that, right?

The Spokane River flows right through town.  SpokaneFallsComp_6617They do a bit of flow regulation to generate power and manage high water but the falls are still lovely.

Johnna led the charge to check out Aunties Bookstore then we set out to find a place for lunch. We chose Hill Brothers Restaurant and Lounge which as it turns out has been on Diners and Dives.  The home made pasta with smoked salmon is delicious.  The chef’s special, a beef and cheddar on crusty home made herb and cheese bread agreed with Brian. Kent went for grilled chicken with sweet tomato chutney and pineapple which is a great flavor combination.  Johnna chose a Philly Cheese Steak.

The maple bacon ice cream was wonderfully smooth but the bacon pieces a little weird in there. The espresso ice cream is more my speed.