Three more days in the Keys

Weather is a bit fickle but we manage to squeeze in a lot of fun.

We try kayaks for everyone.  Willa, Hazel and I in one tandem, Kent and Brian in a second and Mike and Tracy the third.  We cruise a loop around Curry Hammock State Park through a curly mangrove tunnel and a stop on a quiet beach to build sand castles.  By midday the sun is really blazing down and the cool ocean feels nice.  Hazel just loves the beach.  Willa takes to the deeper water with Mom.  It is a fun, full day.   We get back home just in time for dinner.

Willa painted with a dolphin at the Dolphin Research Center.  She and Mom held the canvas and Sandy wielded the brush with bright pink and purple paint.  It was fun to watch too.  There were other dolphin training sessions and we enjoyed ice cream treats.  Hazel didn’t have the best day.  She was a real trooper and napped much of the day on Granpa between mummers of “it hurts” and “ouchee” because of what must have been really painful diaper rash.  Back home, it was pool time in the afternoon.  Willa learned to swim.  Granpa picked up some super Butt cream at the grocery.  Hazel started feeling better within just minutes. We posed for family Christmas pics on the beach.  Played whipped cream games and toasted the Holidays with a bit of bubbly.

Nana and Granpa head to the Aquarium with the girls.  Touch tanks were a hit.  Hazel touched a stingray and Willa a star fish.  We watched spiney lobsters gobble down calamari rings, fed fish tails to the rays, and food pellets to bright blue colored fish and pelicans.  There was time for a little cookie baking.  Willa did the rolling and both the cutting out and later icing.  Fun and delicious.  We close out our trip with dinner out at Sparky’s Landing.  Food was delicious.  We tried another version of key lime pie.  Seating was out along the water (jackets required tonight) and there was even live entertainment. We discovered another Hazel favorite, cocktail cherries.  Once home, Willa checked the pool temperature.  She’d been pleading to swim just one more time before we left.  Her call, its warm enough.  Granpa, Tracy and Willa don suits and head on out.  Hazel askes for a bubble bath and had just gotten in when they return.  It had been fewer than 10 minutes.  It is tooooo cold.  They just barely got wet.  Warm bathes and they are both off to bed.

Christmas Day

Willa is up at sunrise watching from her bed.  Sunrises are glorious seen over the ocean and how convenient to see them from your bed in your jammies.  Suddenly its “Oh wait, today is Christmas.”  “Let’s get up and check on Santa.”  She first checks on the cookies and carrots.  Yes, Santa has been here, let the party begin.  As the rest of the house rouses, Willa patiently checks out the stockings and confirms presents that belong to each.  More gifts have arrived.  Everyone is up.  The opening begins. The girls are pleased with the single serve pickles (Willa) and olives (Hazel) included in their stockings.   There is a quiet afternoon and dinner then a tooter concert by all.  Once the kids are off to bed there is the exchange of “phantom Santa gifts” between the adults.  Thanks for the idea, Tracy.  It was fun.  A 3-D picture display (Brian to me), A Raspberry programmable module (Mike to Dad), classic Lego kit (Mom to Mike), a getaway to New Orleans (Tracy to Brian). A heated vest (Dad to Tracy).

Day 1

I am thrilled to find Willa setting up in bed looking out at sunrise this morning.  She never really said anything just watched in amazement out the open window from her bed.  She is feeling well and seemingly mesmerized by the changing light.  Hazel is up soon after and in equally good mood.  It is a lazy travel recovery day so there is sleeping late and napping.  We open a care package from Aunt Carol, fantastic cookies and tooters.

We discover treasure maps and the hunt is on.  Fun for all.  Loot at the end is gold chocolate coins.

Kent’s birthday dinner is minestrone and key lime pie “cake”.  It is a vegan recipe that I have tried before but it would not have won any prizes this time.  We ate a piece though to celebrate.

Christmas Holiday celebration begins as the girls each open a couple gifts.  Message in a bottle ornaments are distributed.  Willa sets out cookies and milk for Santa (thank you Aunt Carol) and carrots for the reindeer.  Together we set out stockings for everyone, actually Christmas print sun hats.

The Kingston crew arrives

It is off to the Airport.  The kids are renting a car but Nana and Granpa have a car seat for Hazel allowing them to travel with just one.  We arrive at baggage claim and hatch a plan that Mike and Granpa can get the rental car and Nana, Tracy, Willa and Hazel will take most of the luggage and the truck back and not wait for the rental car pickup.  So, I head away from baggage claim to intercept Mike and go straight to the rental car pickup.  But I am met by enthusiastic granddaughters running to meet me and calling for Granpa.  Scrap the plan.   I need to see the Nana greeting.  It was just as amazing.  The modified plan is to go after the rental car and meet at the Cell Phone lot.  Strangely enough Mike and I arrive just before Lynn, Tracy and the girls.  Hazel’s car seat needed a lot of adjustment, she has grown a lot since August.  We swap luggage around to get it all inside and we are off toward Marathon. It has been a 12+ hour travel day for the girls.  There is a bit of “are we there yet” and a call for a potty stop almost as soon as we get out on the highway but, they are pretty well entertained by Nana all the way until Willa declares an unrelenting ear ache.  She is recovering from a cold and flying must have aggravated her ears.  It is alternating napping and crying the last 30 minutes or so.  Not the best start for the Holiday.   Hazel goes right to sleep once we get her settled in in her room.  Willa has a rough night dreaming and waking til midnight or so.  She is in the neighboring queen in our room.  We are relived for both her and us when she settles in.  We all have our fingers crossed that she’ll feel better in the morning.

Our first guest then out to Marathon

We gather Brian at the airport then head for the Royal Coco Plum Club condo on the beach in Marathon.  It is over an hour drive but uneventful.  We unload and settle in.  It is a cute place with a nice strolling beach and heated pool.  I think it will work out.  Brian gets a bit of the short stick, the couch or sleeper sofa in the living room.  Undoubtedly not the comfiest of the accommodations but he is up for it.

Christmas is coming soon

It is our year to host and we all heading down to Marathon Key for a bit of warm weather, we hope.  First there is finding a suitable house to rent, arranging for flying travelers, menu planning, grandkid gift shopping, ornament making, and lots of grocery shopping.  Kent and I are squeezing in a couple nights on a houseboat in Everglades National Park.  It is a bucket list thing for me to experience the sights, sounds and smells of that lush wild environment in the night – not from a chickee platform shared with snakes and gators.  This little side trip adds another pile of stuff we will have to get into the truck somehow!  We head out December 18.

Checking out the sights

Brian has to experience the Desert Bar

It is a bit of a drive south to Havasu City but we feel like Brian can’t come this far and not check out the Desert Bar (Nellie B Saloon). We have been and enjoyed this place several times but it is a bit different every time.  Well worth another visit.  The last 5 miles or so of the drive is dusty and bumpy, like always.  But wow, when we get there, we find the place nearly doubled in size.  There are official restaurants, in buildings not food trucks.  Lots more seating surrounding new stages and a huge new bar being built.  They have added restrooms, necessary of course but very boring and mundane compared to the original rustic ones.  There is live music and the band is pretty good – country and oldies rock.  Our first trip to the bar is a bit odd.  What we assume was a stand-in barkeep makes Kent a Margaretta, sort of.  Tequilla and soda water, yuck.  We climb around on the grounds to check out desert views and to scope out the place.     Food is pretty good and the atmosphere fun but I think too developed and the rustic charm is really diluted.  Probably won’t be back this way again.

We stop by Havasu City on our way home to show Brian that “Yes, the London Bridge is really here”.  We stroll, gaze at the lake a bit, shop a little and have dinner out at Burgers By the Bridge.  It is all lovely at twilight as holiday and city lights come on.

Hello burros


Another can’t miss when you’re out here, Oatman AZ.  Burros are plentiful today and of course we have to feed them.  We cruise all the shops then take in the gunfight.  It is a little underwhelming.  Just two guys show up and it feels a little unorganized but it is fun all the same.  The mics aren’t working so well making it hard to catch all the silly quips and repartee.     We enjoy lunch at the hotel restaurant…still love those burros ears potatoes, then head on home.


Down day

It is windy and cold.  No boating today.  Brian takes the opportunity to wander Fisherman’s trail until the winds whip up dust and bring him back home.


Fishing – even a little catching

We finally get a nice day to get out on Mohave Lake.   The sun is bright and warm and we manage to find a couple spots out toward Princess Cove where the fishies are biting.  The lake views are lovely and we hear a (makes me laugh every time) burro bray from across the lake.  It is a fun outing.

Spiders and snakes tortoise

We take Brian out the hike to Grapevine Canyon to see the petroglyphs.  The resident desert tortoise makes an appearance as do a number of large tarantulas.  We explore a bit more of the area while we are out.  It is a fun outing.




Who builds labyrinths anyway?

We head into Laughlin just to see what’s happening and check out an out of the extraordinary attraction, labyrinths.  We stroll the riverside walk.  It is a not-so-spectacular path between the river and back side of casinos but it does have a few nice benches to enjoy the river view.  Worth the steps but not worth repeating, I suppose.  I spot a sign for Pink Box Donuts.  Can’t skip that!  We (Kent and I do, Brian shows more restraint) choose from the assortment of elaborately decorated donuts and snap a pile of pictures.

Now we head to the edge of town in search of the aforementioned labyrinth(es).  After a little stumbling around with directions we come a long a flat spot in the desert to our left, a little parking area, and a tiny sign announcing we have arrived.  We stroll the area to find a half dozen or so elaborate rock paths.  It is all wonderfully done and pretty impressive.  Brian and I cannot resist walking several of them.  Ok, that was fun.


I haven’t made a full-blown Thanksgiving dinner in the motorhome since our first year (2010).  Today we have roast turkey – just the breast and carefully chosen so it fits in the 6 ½ clearance of my oven!  Homemade cranberry – thanks Kent for the suggestion, it is delicious.  Mashed potatoes and gravy (thanks Kinder bone broth gravy mix) of course, stuffing – bummed that can’t make any in the bird, and asparagus for our low carb guest.  It is all delicious.  I search out a keto friendly dessert, baked marscapone with blueberries.  That is a disaster – it separates into a water-logged spongey layer topped with congealed grease.  Awful!

Early birthday

Brian flies out on his birthday and we are in town tomorrow so we celebrate early with delicious grilled steaks and of course a cake.  Keto makes cake baking a challenge so I go with a mix this time, Duncan Heinz low carb brownie and premade keto icing.  It looks great and is actually pretty good.  Whew, not another dessert disaster.



Vegas Day

We head into town for the day and overnight to ease the early morning start to Brian’s travel day.  Our main event, Postcard from Earth at The Sphere at 2:30.  We have all morning to explore the strip and Brian is checking out a Marvel Comics attraction/exhibit.  Scaffolding and light towers still litter the strip causing the suspension of the fountain and other streetside attractions.  That is a bit disappointing but the walk is still lovely.

The Sphere is impressive. First just the structure, then the AI robots the crowd chats with, plus demos of the technology while we all wait in the atrium.  Crowds are too thick and lines too long to get scanned for our avatars…. Brian is the only one of us who actually regrets that!  We find our seats, section 405 isn’t bad, and anxiously await the show.  It is visually spectacular as the screen seems to wrap around us bringing creatures close and seemingly alive (spoiler alert, the spider does jump at you) and soaring mountain views are breath taking.  Sound plus theatre hepatics pull us further into the experience.   I do recommend it.  I am not certain how this all augments live music performances, perhaps?

We end the day with dinner at Peppermill Diner a Las Vegas Strip classic/landmark.  Neon lights and blue upholstered booths create a fun atmosphere. Diner is delicious and a fun way to end Brian’s visit.  If there is a next visit, we might check out their retro cocktail bar.  It looks fun.  We crash for the night at Arizona Charlie’s, an old school Vegas establishment well off the strip.  The focus is definitely the Casino.  It is difficult to even find the hotel lobby/registration desk.  In room amenities are sparce but the rooms are clean and pretty comfortable.  Oddest thing, a Rube Goldberg HVAC using plastic pipe and what looks like a planter box to divert air from the unit in the main room through the wall to the second bedroom.  Very weird and according to Brian not particularly effective.  An easy drive to the airport and comfortable enough for a one-night stay.


Happy Birthday and bye!

Brian is off to Texas to rest up a bit before it is back to school for the marathon schedule that falls between Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Visits from the kids are wonderful!

Company is coming

Brian is getting out of Texas for a week and he’s coming to spend that time with us.

We allow extra time for the trip into the Vegas airport.  The Formula 1 Grand Prix starts tonight. Many streets are closed and horrible traffic is predicted……luckily, none of it affects us.  We arrive in plenty of time to catch him at baggage claim.  We stick with our plan to save in-town tourist time for next weekend once the crowds have cleared.  It is a smooth ride home as well with a stop for BBQ along the way.  We end the day relaxing and getting Brian settled in.

Happy Birthday to me!

Waffles for breakfast this morning! Thank you, Kent.  It is a quiet day in camp puttering and planning for Brian’s Thanksgiving week visit and the family Christmas get together.  Its windy for boating and actually a bit windy for hiking.  We check out a section of the lakeside trail and nearly get blown off our feet when it crests onto open ridges.  The Kingston grandkids check in on a super silly video call.  Hazel has the phone.  I love the well wishes even if it is all a bit dizzying.  Tonight is dinner out, Mohave Steakhouse in Bullhead City.  It is a local establishment and has great reviews.  I’m happy with it.  Artichoke spinach dip, tomato-gouda soup and a wonderfully seasoned, perfectly prepared, DelMonico steak.   Kent’s short ribs are pretty tasty too.

Yeah, happy birthday to me.  67, that’s not old!