Ruby Red Metallic…

Sounds pretty cool, huh?  Well, it’s on a Focus sedan so not quite as cool as say on a new Miata.  Oh well.  We all have to grow up some time.  We bought a new car to flat tow (4 wheels on the ground) behind the motorhome for our trip to Alaska.  The Focus is one of very few automatics that can be towed that way, it gives us four seater capacity when we want to go somewhere with others, and it will fit in the big trailer when we want it to.  It’s not a bad little ride.

Sadly, the Focus acquisition puts the Miata on the block.  We just can’t keep a second car.  I suppose 14 years is a plenty long for a mid-life crisis and any reasonable person would be ready to move on.  Hmm.  Ok.  Ok.  I will pick up the For Sale sign tomorrow.

Christmas across the Country

First, a flashback. We sat in the audience at a second grade Christmas program at Katy Bell elementary, HISD. Wow, we had forgotten what it’s like to have little people everywhere! Well done, Brian. It was cute to watch and the kids had a great time. A week flew by then we had a quiet Christmas dinner in Houston before we (Kent, Lynn and Brian) headed to Pennsylvania for some family time.

No weddings to prepare for this year, things were significantly more laid back. The time together goes by so quickly. I think that I need a new years resolution to work harder to stay in touch…..the years zip by.

Turkey and all the trimmings, take two

We spent Saturday in Houston with Brian.  There was plenty of delicious food and wonderful company.   We celebrated his Birthday as well.  BCake Comp_0033Just a few more weeks til we get together again for Christmas.  It is hard to believe that it is December already.  Guess I better get busy with my shopping and we even have a few decorations to put up in the motor home to celebrate the season.

It is a lifelong connection

An energetic pup with huge feet, one perky ear and one floppy, and an infectious personality joined me for my walk.  She appeared out of no where and matched my pace.  She pranced in front of me then anxiously waited for me to catch up.  She darted off to chase squirrels and birds then showed up right beside me again.  I had forgotten how much more fun it is to have a dog along on a walk.  Flash backs to times with our young Luci.

A stiff, arthritic chocolate lab with cloudy cataracted eyes wandered into camp.  She moved in close for an ear rub, leaned against Kent’s leg hard until she rolled over on her back with tail wagging.  She hung close by like she just wanted company and kept a watchful eye for any chance that food might make it to her level.  A quiet companion.  Flash backs to our last few months with Luci.

I miss her.

34 Years

No huge celebration just a wander through a wildlife refuge (Birding was not really great.  We are about two weeks too early for fall migration.) followed by a quiet diner at home. Anniv Comp_0584

A special treat from ForestEdge Winery turned out to not be so special!  They make only non-grape wines; raspberry, rhubarb, chokecherry, pear and a few other wild berry types.  I must say, the raspberry is not a winner.  It is a rare occasion when I actually pour out a wine.  This is one of those occasions.

Miscellaneous Rock Lake

Tracy embraced the experience.  When they arrived we found out that she had never been fishing EVER in her life and here she is, signed up for a week of nothing to do but fish.  Okay.

Mike was a great encourager and she waded right into it all.  She caught a nice walleye, no small feat.  She touched a live fish…not held it, touched it, but that’s a start.  She managed to stay in the boat when the Northern Pike shook their slim everywhere.  She skinned a bass. Next time, bait your own hook!?

Caught in the rain: it poured as we sat huddled under umbrellas.  It was chilly and we didn’t want to get too wet so we had to wait for it to stop to move on.  It was probably a good thing that we couldn’t hear what Mike and Tracy may have shared under their umbrella!  Fish weren’t biting either.  Not a post card sort of day on RockLake.

The kids made supper their last night with us; grilled bass and cornbread in the cast iron dutch oven.  It was delicious. We topped the night off with a campfire with s’mores of course.

Everybody jump

The sky was clear and the sun bright.  It made a great afternoon to try out jump rock.  It’s just like we remember.  High enough to look scary from the top but low enough to be safe.  I never made it above the “sissy rock” but everyone else did.   I enjoyed my time in my floaty chair.  Good times.
