Salem, more than the place of witch trials

The town really wants to emphasize their role in maritime Commerce. It is a pretty great story. They have a replica merchant ship, the Friendship. I have no doubt I’d get sick on the high seas in that little thing. It sailed around the world 15 times in its career. No Dramamine back then either!
Of course, there are plenty of haunted houses, tarot card readers, and psychics in this town. Can’t blame them for trying to capitalize on the whole witch trial rep. We skipped that stuff but did check out the Witch Memorial, a series of 19 granite stones jutting from a pathway wall engraved with the names of the ones who were hanged for their witchcraft. We walked the cemetery a bit too. Seems Kent has a long lost relative who has been traced to Salem during the time of the trials. Samuel Sayre sat on jury for one of the trials. No Sayre stones that we could find but many are too eroded to read.

Happy 4th

The perfect vantage point
We watched fireworks from the Portland bridge. Quite the show and a perfect viewing spot.

Grilln at home (The Hales’ home that is)
Salmon and chicken and veggies oh my. Topped with home made blueberry pie from berries we had picked out back. All was wonderful.

A day in Hartford….Carol too…David had to work

The main attraction, a vintage Carousel. We had to ride of course.
Did you know, very carousel has a lead horse. The capital building was near by so we checked it out. A bit over the top I suppose with columns and carvings and lots of marble inside. There is a civil war flag collection too. Well worth the side trip. The flower gardens at Elizabeth Park were fantastic too. Thank goodness for quite a bit of shade….it was one of those melt in the sun sort of days today.
Lunch time
The locals recommended a BBQ place. Black Eyed Sally’s. It was a hit all the way from the fried okra and pickle chips to the brisket and pulled pork. They didn’t steer us wrong.
The Twain house.
“Build me a red house”. The architect certainly did. Ole Sam had quite the place here in Harford.


Lynn stayed with the rig while I traveled to WV and the wedding of my uncle Bill to Emma Jane, a classmate from high school. It was great to share their joy with other family and friends both at the ceremony and dinner afterwards. It was a chance to catch up with family and friends. Even squeezed in a short stop to visit a few members of the other side of the family while in the area. It was a good trip with safe and timely travel. With a good weather and roads, the 850 miles were accomplished in one day. Average for the trip 67 mph.

Millions of itsy bitsy fishes

Brian and Robin took us to the Sea Center of Texas in Lake Jackson. It is a sea life nature center with huge cool aquariums. Plus, we got to tour their hatchery where they raise red drum, spotted seatrout and flounder for release into the gulf. Some tiny eggs, about the size of grains of sand, grow in to really huge (yummy) fish. It was a fun place to visit and a good time with the kids.