Family Time!

Catching up.  Sharing great food.  Celebrating 41 with Brian.  Movies; scary ones, funny ones and Holiday classics.  Hanging out.

Plus, we get a start on Holiday festivities.  There is a reprise of the Zoo Lights where Brain popped the question back in 2014.  We have a perfect evening with a spectacular light show plus hot chocolate and a carousel ride.  Next, a parade of storage bins comes in from the garage delivering the tree, more ornaments than one can count, and all manner Christmas what nots that find their home throughout the house.  It is certainly beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here!

Texas bound

We are heading to Houston to celebrate Thanksgiving (and Brian’s birthday) with Brian, Johnna and Brianna; our very-soon-to-be Texas grand-daughter.  We are on the road by 8AM as planned and make our way as far as Pascagoula MS without incident.  Check out this adorable towel creature we found on our bed when we checked in for the night.

Day 2 of the drive.   Traffic is picking up.  Road construction areas first in Louisiana and on into Texas are causing slowdowns. Yuck.  We get a break in Houston though.  The drive around town is smooth and uneventful.  Yeah!  We made it and are settled in at the kids.

Willa check in

We video call with Willa and family this evening.  Hazel is growing fast and Willa ever full of surprises beyond her years.  She asks to come visit us then catches herself, I can’t come on a school day.  “Let me check my days of the week”, she says and disappears from view.  When she returns, she has her days of the week poster and walks down thru it with Mom’s help; Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday….Friday/that’s today.  Tomorrow is Saturday. I don’t have school.  I can come see you tomorrow!  We are thrilled at the thought and heartbroken at having to tell Willa we are too far away.  We will all have to wait until we can come see them in a few weeks at Christmas.  We can do it.

Back on the road

In these next three weeks we move from New York to our winter camp. Georgetown Marina in Florida.  We have a little time so we dawdle our way south.

We stay to the familiar interstates this segment of the trip across Northern Pennsylvania but views are still amazing.  One mountain ridge after another is blanketed with warm golds and browns dotted with red.

We stop over in York for a bit of family time.  Grown-ups are all well and grandniece, Harlow, is doing a lot more talking and always on the go.

Next stop, Skyline Drive Virginia. We leave the rig down in the valley in Edinburgh to cruise the drive more leisurely in the car.  We have seen more wildlife on the drive in the summer but when it comes to scenery, I say there is no better time of year for this drive.  We stop at nearly every viewpoint and hit a few trails.

The first day we go for elevation and long views: Compton Peak trail (3 mi 850ft elevation change) and Mary’s Rock Summit  trail (2.9 mi 830ft elevation change ).  Views from atop make them both worth the work to get there.

On a hazy day we head out on Dark Hollow Falls trail.  The creek babbles beside us, tumbling and gurgling over leaf strewn boulders as we descend with it.  It is beautiful.

It is my Birthday.  What a beautiful place to celebrate.  Kent cooks dinner on the actual date, then I get to celebrate the next day at the Edinburg Mill Restaurant with local cider and some awesome prime rib.  I think 65 was a good year.  Here is to 66.

2021 has been a unique one…..

It started out unsettled and it is not over yet.

Early in the year, lasting effects of Covid-19 made pre-school and daycare a no-go in New York.  Mike and Tracy needed child care to continue work.  Nana was free, it seemed a perfect match that lasted until house remodeling efforts resumed as planned in May.  Time flew by and before we knew it 10 months had passed.  What a blessing that we have had the opportunity to share so closely in their lives.  The house is coming along nicely (of course there is more to do).  Willa is growing and maturing by leaps and bounds. We greeted a new grand-daughter, Hazel.  We shared countless experiences big and small, new and familiar, joyous and exasperating.

Wow, 10 months!

She is here!

Our newest granddaughter, Hazel Soleil Sayre, arrived today 10/13 at 2:36 PM. Covid protocols keep us from visiting the hospital so we are limited to photos for now.  Reports confirm all 10 fingers and all 10 toes and from the pics we know she is beautiful, of course, in the red and wrinkly newborn sort of way!  Mom and Dad are “Over the moon”.  We are hanging out with big sister Willa all anxiously awaiting Hazel’s homecoming.

Friday the 15th; rumor had it that today would be the day and after an all-too-tedious, delay-filled discharge process the kids are headed home.  Planned arrival, 5PM.  Wouldn’t you know it, Willa is napping but Nana and Grandpa are excitedly watching out the window.  Willa and I made a welcome home sign.  It is appreciated by all!  Then in comes Hazel, peaceful and wonderous just chilling in her car seat.  She is in my arms within minutes then Grandpa’s too as Mom and Dad check in with Willa to see if she is ready to greet Little Sis. It gives us a chance for a little get-to-know-you time one on one with Hazel before the excitement of the full family introduction.  That is a joy to watch too as Willa sings her way down the stairs to meet the little person she has been hugging in Mommy’s tummy for months.  What a beautiful family!

So, Hazel Soleil statistics: Born Oct 13, 2021 at 2:36Pm.  Weighing in at 8lbs and 2ozs and 20.75 inches long.  Healthy and with a good set of lungs.

Nana statistics: amazed, blessed, over joyed, content, proud…babies, such a miracle-in the scientific sense- that birth is amazing and in the way they embody so much love.  Welcome Hazel. We love you.

The Hug

My arrival in Kingston was during naptime for the 2-year-old granddaughter and after her nap I was treated to the most heartwarming greeting you can imagine.  She saw me as soon as she got to the bottom of the stairs, ran and jumped into my arms and just hugged me for several minutes.  Wow!  That made the whole trip worthwhile.

Nana adds a few letters

With continuing Covid issues, daycare for Willa has been a serious concern.  So, after our joyous holiday week with Mike Tracy and Willa, Nana became Nannie, staying in NY to help care for Willa relieving Mike and Tracy to better “work at home”.

Kent traveled back to San Bernard NWR in Texas.  Weather was a little more difficult for the trip south with freezing rain falling during departure.  The road crews were out in force and although travel was a little more tense and slow and altered the route some, it was still reasonable 1st hour of the trip.  Fuel consumption held up even with a tank of sub-par gas from Alabama and averaged 41.6mpg for the 27 hours.  The poor car needs a bath after all the road grime and excess salt encountered this week.

Little Blue Truck

Willa has several books from a series about a Little Blue Truck, it’s friends and helping those friends.   Grandpa made her a Little Blue Truck wooden toy for Christmas. Prior to opening her gift she constructed a tow truck from tinker toys to help her Yellow “Wheelie” School Bus, also from Grandpa, navigate the “mud” (carpet) in her bedroom.  The new toy became an instant success by pushing the bus out of the “mud”. Makes Grandpa really proud.

The Loooong Drive for the Holidays

After a very Merry Christmas with Brian and Johnna we boarded the RedNosed Focus toward Kingston NY to see Mike, Tracy and Willa.  Travel was an uneventful 1742 miles door to door.  Prior to departure we took a Covid test and planned for our hotel overnight.  We take along our own pillows, bedding and disinfectant.  Thankfully the hotel in Tennessee was taking cleaning seriously.  Mileage for the trip was a pleasing 41.5 mpg given the cold temperatures(14F) and high speed limits(up to 75) encountered along the way.  The time with Mike, Tracy and Willa was a blessing making the 26 hours in the car worth it.