Summer home this year (sorta anyway)

We didn’t exactly plan to spend all summer in New York but travel is still petty messy as Covid-19 continues to disrupt so much. Campgrounds are just now opening, many still with restrictions making finding a spot a pain. Many points of interest are still closed and local festivals and carnivals are pretty much off the table this summer. Where things are opening up, covid cases are spiking. We are pretty much staying put for now. Time is split between days with Willa, Mike and Tracy, some pretty nice local trails, and quiet time in camp.

Catching up with PA family

My sister has a new hip. I spent a week in PA to cheer her through the surgery and catch up with other family in the area. There was time for relaxing by the pool, playing with our grand niece, and just chilling with great company over good food. Nice.

Willa has a new hiking carrier

We are hitting a trail again today but this time Willa is joining us. Today we get to try out her new carrier. It is very cool with lots of storage pockets and a sun shade. It is light too. That is certainly a plus. We decide it is best to try a trail we are a little familiar with so head back to Pawling Preserve for a quick test run. Willa is up for the adventure and starts out on her own two feet. Fantastic. I was a little afraid that she would just want to ride since that is so much easier but we end up with a pretty good mix of walking and riding plus a brief nap (Willa of course) the last 15 minutes or so. We cover a total of just under 3 miles. The carrier is absolutely great. It is comfortable and balances the load nicely on the hips. Willa seems to be comfortable too. Still, no way that the extra 30 pounds or so doesn’t cause noticeable extra work. So worth it though, to be able to have Willa enjoy being out with us. We even got to see a deer.

It is party day!

Sunday morning and we gather all our plunder. It is our first Zoom party and it is hard to guess what it will be like. The kids are hosting the party at Pop-pop and Grammy’s so we don’t have to worry about the technical part, thank goodness. Beyond that, we are ready for whatever. Brunch is vegan baked French toast and fruit salad. Both turned out spectacularly. Willa gets a sneak preview of the cake. She is pleased. I am happy. Willa gets to open her gift from Grandpa. She loves it. Grandpa is ecstatic. Then we hang out, just Grandpa, Nana, Grammy, Pop-pop, Mom, Dad and Willa until Zoom time when another 20+ well wishers appear on the screen. There is some entertainment by the Sunny Songsters, a candle to blow out, and lots of smiles. We wind down with a glass of wine. Pack up the leftover cake (there is a lot), and head home. It was a fun day for everyone. Happy Second Birthday to our wonderful Willa.

Octopus cake

It is quite the production. First, I bake the orange poppy seed cake, two batches. It is going to be a big octopus. They cool and are cut to shape then its into the refrigerator for assembly tomorrow. Kent and I both sample the trimmings and even if I do say so myself, it is going to be delicious. It is all vegan of course.
The next project is making the ocean themed serving tray. Kent cuts ¼” plywood 22”X22”. I cover it with blue tissue paper and clear cellophane (a repurpose of wrapping from my Mother’s Day flowers). There are bright colored sea animals trapped between. Looks like it is going to work out great.
OK, time to assemble this thing. A big slab of cake becomes a rock for the octopus to rest on. A dome and layer create the body. Oreos, lots of Oreos, are the stuff that tentacles are made of. Kent carves me halves and 2/3 cookies and we even use a few minis. Bring in the glue, a lot of royal icing, and here it is, the framework of the great octopus cake. All that is left is what seems like a ton of purple buttercream icing. Add some googly sugar eyes and fruit loop tentacle suckers and ta-dah, one octopus. I love it.

A Grandpa creation

Grandpa is just finishing up the fantastic push toy, a wheelie bus, that he is making for Willa’s birthday. She loves the song and cartoons and Kent’s version of the bus is so adorable. He (and I) can’t wait to watch her open it. Here is a preview.

Another sleepover

Grandpa and Nana are getting the hang of having a two-year-old (very soon to be) in the house. We seem to be settling into stays of three overnights a week. She’s seems to be getting pretty comfortable here too. We cook and stroll and paint and continue to fit in some more hiking; and now that it is warming up, some fun water play. We have deep conversations about pretend dinosaur pets and jungle animals like hippopotamus that live in the forest around camp. She is getting pretty talkative with a rapidly expanding vocabulary. Delightful – well, except when the strong willed two-year-old emerges. I love it.

Cookie day

The kids are planning this zoom birthday party for Willa. To bring everyone just a little closer the plan is to send theme decorated cookies to each participating household so everyone has a coordinated treat. Today, we bake cookies. Dale has graciously offered up her kitchen for this adventure. We arrive bright and early and the baking begins. Today’s output, sugar cookies with a hint of orange rolled and cut into octopus, shark, sea turtle and seahorse shapes then iced bright colors. I had estimated 3 hours to complete. Would you believe 6 hours even with a ton of Kent’s help? They look pretty cool though. Those hand-made cookie cutters worked perfectly. There is some elaborate packing planned then it is in the hands of the USPS to get then there is one piece. Here is hoping!

Emergency bail out

I ordered sea creature cookie cutters for birthday party treats but delivery date is now May 26. Ack, impossibly late. I guess I can freehand cut shapes? Maybe make a stencil and try to find spray food coloring and stencil on round cookies? Kent helps scour the possible local stores that might have the needed cutters. No luck. We find nothing local that wouldn’t have the same shipping issue. A quick run to the hardware store for strapping and a few hours with needle nose and wire ties and ta-dah, Kent produces these fantastic cutters. Way to come through, Grandpa!

Willa on the Appalachian Trail

Today is the day, we hit the trail with Willa. It is a perfect bright, sunny, cool morning so we pack up and head for the trailhead. At 2 miles spanning about 2 ½ hours this adventure is a hit with our newest hiker. There is a fair amount of Grandpa shoulder time and our pace is not impressive but there is exploring, relaxing in the sun, and even a picnic lunch. We collect seeds, climb on “really big” rocks, peak through the boardwalk to watch water flow by, toss leaves and sticks into the creek, and spot birds and a cool frog (with the help of another hiker who pointed it out to all of us). The photo gallery for today even includes documentation of fresh air potty time. We trek back to the car tired but happy. Just wonderful.