Out for a mountain drive

We take the easy all-paved route up to Cripple Creek.  It is a lovely mountain drive and we spot a number of mule deer along the way.  Once in town we head for the Cripple Creek and Victor narrow gage steam train.  We are in mining country (gold mining up here) and this railroad runs all small engines as were used to transport ore at mines across North America.  Our little engine #3 is a 0-4-0 meaning just 4 small drive wheels and no lead or trailing trolley wheels.  Small but mighty it carries us out of town for a dirty, smelly trek through Cripple Creek mining history.   Smoke swirls around the engine and back to the open cars carrying cinders with it.  We can smell and even taste the distinct odor.  I should not have worn khaki pants!   It’s all over in just 45 minutes still well worth the hour+ drive up here.

Thunderstorms are brewing around us.  We plan to take the scenic route back down to the valley.  It is graded dirt and we’re thinking it might be better not to do that in the rain!  We keep an eye to the sky but take a little time to explore town.  Town center is Bennett Street.  It looks like an old mining town with great old west store fronts but don’t look too closely.  It’s more false-front than even the old west days.  The buildings have been entirely gutted and behind every window is row after row of gaming machines.  Squeezed in among the behemoth casinos, a handful of small establishments still operate.  We lunch at one of them, The Creek Restaurant and Bar.  It has an old-time western feel with a hammered tin ceiling and a huge polished wood bar.  My elk burger is fantastic.  Tasty and perfectly prepared, med-rare.  Yum.  The sky is still threatening as we finish up lunch.  There is a large well-reviewed museum of local mining history but we need to head out if we are going the back-country route home.  A perfect excuse to come back some time.  We move on.

We swing through Victor but it’s pretty buttoned up.  Looks like most everything is weekend only here.  Kent points us south on Phantom Canyon Road, aka Gold Belt Scenic and Historic Byway.   It follows the route of the 1884 Florence and Cripple Creek Railroad built to move Cripple Creek ore to the Florence smelters.  It is graded dirt, narrow, winding, a bit pot-holed and wash boarded, and as we later find out includes some cool tunnels.  We pass though miles of otherwise undisturbed mountain wilderness descending from 9000 feet to around 5500.  At the bottom we share the narrow valley floor with a beautiful creek.  Gray and green modeled granite formations with splashes of rusty red rise on either side.  Some places steep and smooth other times at odd angels or sort of bulbous in shape looking like long fingers reaching into the sky or giants towering above us.  Muted green of pines and juniper cover all but the steepest outcroppings with brighter green aspen intermixed.  Brilliantly colored wildflowers accent exposed sunny slopes and dot recesses on the cliffs where ever they find purchase.  The creek gurgles through its rock-strewn pathway with areas of the bank blanketed with brilliant green grasses.  It is a wonderful drive.  We see only light sprinkles of rain.  There is dispersed camping along much of the valley.  Looks like it might be great for a few quiet days – tent or car camping of course.

Pikes peak

Kent has been itching to drive up this mountain.  Today is the day.  We sign up for the 8-10 time slot and find the highway nearly to ourselves as we set out.  The super helpful gate keeper hints that we save enroute stops for the downhill.  It is supposed to get very windy later in the morning.  Sounds smart.  Kent sticks to the speed limit as we climb and swish through first smooth curves then tight switchbacks.  I’m pretty sure he is enjoying it!  We near the top.  The outside temperature has dropped to 39 and the wind already pretty strong. A yellow-bellied marmot prances around on the snow.  There’s some chance he’s looking for a hand out.  Our little pick-up made the ascent no problem. We climb out and put on all the clothes we brought with us and make our way to the visitor center.  Its new since I was here with Mom and Carol.  Nearly all the area is paved or platforms so very easy to get around and signboards are well done.  Stop one, the snack bar and Pikes Peak donuts.  The cinnamon sugar ones are definitely better.  We check out exhibits and the gift shop then just relax with the view for a while.


We are both noticing 14000 foot elevation!  Going down.  We make an emergency stop as one of those adorable but obviously not brilliant marmots dashes in front of us.  We pull off at nearly every stop on the way back down to oh and ah at the views and check for wildlife on the high meadows.  Unfortunately, no luck with that.  Kent might share his own take on it but from my perspective, it was a fun day.

They are big on sasquatch on the mountain.






We make a short stop in Manitou springs for a spring water tasting tour.  Town is busy and parking is a pain but we do find a spot and sample 5 of the 8 springs from varyingly ornate bronze fountains. They are all some variation of salty and metallic tasting but each has its own unique flavor based on pH and the minerals it contacts as it moves underground.  My thoughts, none is really great tasting but the Navajo is the east objectionable.  Iron Springs is as you might expect, irony; but it is fizzy enough that it sort of grows on you.  It was interesting to compare. A stop at Colorado custard is the perfect post-tasting palette cleansing.

Mountain Drive

We drive CO-17 that parallels the route of our train ride on the Cumbres and Toltec.  It is a beautiful drive and gives us opportunity to get some great rolling pictures of the train.  We spot a few elk along the way and scope out access places to trail heads and campgrounds in the Carson and Rio Grande National Forests.  This could be a great site for future adventure.    

We make a stop in Chama for lunch at the Boxcar Café – got to love that railroad theme.  My turkey with green chili sandwich is delicious and Kent reports his fish and chips the same.  It’s a fun little spot for outdoor dining.

Monte Vista NWR

Monte Vista is home to a small Amish enclave, about 30 families.  As we drive through the area there are similarities to the PA and IN Amish.  One big difference, they farm with tractors.  I see only a couple Half-Lingers in a paddock along with lots of buggy horses.  We are excited about one great constant, bakeries.  We stop at” Worth the Drive” bakery and walk away with a free glazed yeast donut (nice touch), 3 fried pies, and a loaf of white bread. Pie rating: a tie between strawberry rhubarb and blueberry then pecan.

We roll through the 2 ½ mile drive at Monte Vista NWR and find lots of blackbirds and the usual collection of ducks. Nothing spectacular.  I do find it amazing to move through this lush landscape in such an overall arid environment.  Thankyou snow melt!

We make a stop at Bontrager Variety Store, just because.  Product ranges from the everyday like shoes, hats, toys and mixing bowls to some spectacular chiming clocks.  There is a section for solar panels and lithium batteries too.

We head back to camp for the afternoon but must squeeze in one more stop in Alamosa, Frosty acres Rolled Ice Cream.  We watch as they prepare our choices, a Jitterbug and an El Rancho.  The Jitterbug: coffee flavored cream with slivered almonds then whipped cream and caramel drizzle.  The El Rancho: cream with graham cracker, chocolate and caramel drizzle topped with whipped cream and a toasted marshmallow.  The process: cream is poured onto a subzero steel plate, stir-ins quickly added then all smoothed out to flash freeze.  Wielding a narrow bench scraper, the artist rolls sections into a tight jellyroll shape and stacks them in your cup.  Toppings are added.  Voila, rolled ice cream.  Great to watch and beautiful to behold.  We enjoy the eating part too!

A waterfall (almost) and aliens

Zapata Falls on nearby BLM and state-owned land isn’t huge, just 24 feet tall but a bit of an oddity in this dry landscape.   We head out around 9 to check it out.  At the trail head we find a sign warning us that to actually see the falls one has to hike about ½ mile up the running creek bed.  Darn, none of my research told me that!  We give it a try anyway.  Maybe the water level will be manageable?  Nope.  We hike the dry first half mile or so and find that we will have to wade at least high-ankle deep the entire remaining route to the falls and neither of us are in suitable shoes.  It sounds beautiful….we settle for that and head back.

Since we are pretty early off the trail, we take a side trip to check out The UFO Watchtower. It’s been on my list since we got here.   What a joke.  It is definitely an “anything for a buck” place not the serious sort of alien believers we have found at Roswell and Marfa.  Probably worth the $5 each for entertainment value!














We lunch at Emma’s Authentic Food of the Southwest in Alamosa.   It is a small family place a little higher priced than most Mexican-like food establishments but the service is great and the food delicious.  I have stuffed sopapilla Christmas (green and red chillis) and Kent tries Emma’s Special, a taco, burrito, refried beans (excellent) and a sopapilla with honey butter.  I’d do it again.

Cumbres and Toltec Scenic Railroad

I love historic steam train excursions and Kent is a great sport about joining in whenever I find them.  Today our refurbished passenger car pulled by powerful 2-8-2, narrow gage, coal-fired, steam locomotive, engine 484.  It was built around 1925 by Baldwin Locomotive.

Love those chug-chug and hiss sounds of it working.  Love the whistle and the clang signaling to all what’s to happen next.  We board in Chama, NM for a 64-mile ride to Antonito, CO along a rail line built in the late 1800s.   The route passes through steep-walled river-carved ravines and broad U-shaped valleys cut by glaciers, the rail bed sometimes carved into cliff faces or twisting past steep rocky cuts; most notable Toltec Gorge.  We cross Cumbres Pass through the San Juan Mountains at 10,015ft elevation.  From Chama to Osier (about half way) the route spends much of its mileage climbing, including plenty of 4% grade so we have lots of opportunity to hear and watch the engine really work.  Best views come in the stacked tight curves laid out to make the climb without exceeding possible grade.  There are tunnels and trestles of course.  We spot wildlife too; elk, some a binocular distance and even a small band bedded down just 100 ft or so from the track.  There are pronghorn, a mule deer, and prairie dog.  An earlier trip saw black bear but not us.  Scenery is spectacular nearly the whole ride leaving me to comment more than once,” I could live here”, as we roll past 1800 homesteads and modern cabins dotting the wide valleys.  Sage brush plains near Antonito are not amazing to look at but they do provide opportunity for pronghorn sighting.

We stop for lunch at Osier, very well done “What the Truck” catering.

One more fun thing to watch (if you are a steam train enthusiast of course) here at Osier, an engine change.  We meet the Chama bound train pulled by the older 463 engine along the siding and watch the choreographed exchange as 848 drops our cars then backs off the main rail.

463 drops her cars then backs onto our track.  848 maneuvers to lock onto the Chama bound cars and 463 backs in to lock onto our cars.  Smooth as silk and now both trains are idling ready to go on our way.  It seems the more powerful 848 is kept on the Chama side of the pass running that half of the route.   The older locomotive, 463; owned by the city of Antonito, runs the less demanding Antonito side.

Don’t miss this ride.  It is one of the greatest scenic railroad excursions we have gone on.

Kingston time

Celebration! – our primary reason for the NY visit – Willa’s 5th birthday.  Cake baking and decorating is the first order of business.  It’s a rainbow this year.  Three batches of cake and an unbelievable amount of brightly colored buttercream icing.  Check it out.

As part of a compromise (Willa asked for poop shaped cake) Willa helped decorate “poop’ cupcakes.  I’m not sure it’s a great idea…..we shall see.

The party is at the kids’ house and is a big hit.  There are lots of kids and their families, grandparents, and extended family Uncle Brian and Great Aunt Carol.  A huge unicorn balloon greets the guests, another one makes an appearance as a pinata, and the rainbow cake is a hit.  Cool looking and tasty.

Willa just had to share the “Poop” cupcakes.  The kids loved them….

Happy Birthday, Willa.







Much of the rest of our visit was grand daughter time.  Tracy is out of town on business and we jump at the chance to spend time with them.  Walks, bike rides, wagon rides, a little baking, projects, reading, and a lot of pretend play.  Kent and Willa challenge Mike to a pretty competitive game of chess.  Mike one; Willa, next time.

It is Spring concert time for the pre-k class and we are all invited.  What a fun program.  We love it Willa.  We sneak a few no grand-kids moments. I get an evening out with just “my” boys and Kent and I have breakfast out with our guys.  All too rare and cherished get-togethers.

We fit in a hike at Black Creek Preserve.  Willa is on foot and Mike has Hazel in the carrier. The trail crosses a number of bridges and there are great huge old trees so there are lots of troll and ogre encounters.  Good time had by all.

We squeeze in a little home remodeling work.  Kitchen counters have already been replaced, some great looking white plus marbling quartz.  The next real step is back splash but there was a bit of electrical work to do behind that section of the wall first.  Done!  We reset the stove to add insulation and dishwasher to fit the new countertops.  Always something…..

Bye guys, we head back west to Colorado.  Next visit, the whole Kingston family with us at Tetons National Park.  Can’t wait to see you then!!

Road Trip!

The motorhome is going into storage and we are making a 30 day 4800 mile loop in the truck.  It is a bit of a milk-run trip and we need wheels at every location so it seems to make more sense than flying.  We will see.  Our route: Houston – time with Brian, Louisville – time with Sayre family, Letart, WV – Kent’s 50th H.S. class reunion, York, PA – a little Wasik family time, and NY – Kingston family time and Willa’s 5th bday then back to South Fork CO to the rig.  Whew!

Day 1: CO 160 across Wolf Creek Pass at 10,857ft. It is a beautiful ride through a wide green valley then a climb into snow-capped mountains.  We make a stop and short hike to Treasure Falls. Swollen with snow-melt the water roars across the rock ledge and spray completely engulfs the upper observation deck.  I get drenched.  It is pretty cold up here!

We roll into camp, Grand View Cabins and RV, mid-afternoon and spend the rest of the day relaxing, packing, and watching a very friendly group of mule deer who make themselves at home in the campground.  One even beds down right by our picnic table.

I have a few hours so I trial Willa’s vanilla vegan b’day cake recipe.   What a mess!  It rose to the top of the pan but then fell to just ¾” high.  It tasted ok but the sugar sort of caramelized all around the edges and it stuck to the pan so bad I had to scrape it out.   I blame it all on a combination of a new recipes (my first foray into baked goods using aquafaba) and we are at over 8000 feet elevation.  I’m going to have to try this again once we get back to more normal conditions!

Day 2: The motorhome is all buttoned up and stowed away.  We point the truck southeast, Amarillo bound.  The road stretches in front of us straight and flat.  It is a bit windy.  Dark, stormy looking clouds many trailing streamers of heavy rain form and disperse in front, behind to the right and to the left.  Bolts of lightning streak to the ground.  It is amazing to watch.  We catch up to, or it catches us, some heavy rain.  No real problem but it does cool things off for a bit.  We spot prong horn antelope, some lone wanderers others in small bands chill’n and munching.  Weather is still unsettled when we make our stop in Amarillo.  Fortunately, the golf-ball sized hail produced by some storms never falls near us.

Day 3: panhandle to hill country.  We spot two prong horn calves, roll by cotton fields and even a gin, then discover that Texas is the second largest grower of peanuts in the US.  We are heading for Brenham TX with an eye out for spring wildflowers and looking forward to a stop at Blue Bell Creamery and a chance to sample a couple flavors.

Day 4: Washington on the Brazos SHS, all about the years of TX as a Republic – how it came to be, what it was like, what it means to TX and Texans today.  There is a huge Museum of the Republic here too.  We save that for another time.  Now we are off to Blue Bell!   They don’t do tours anymore but there is a great observation deck overlooking final production stages:  flavoring and packaging from single serving to 5-gallon tubs.  The newest flavor (Texas is all a-buzz) is Dr Pepper float. Nope, not for me!  We go for strawberry and southern blackberry cobbler and are very happy with our choices.  Next stop, Brian’s place.

Aztec National Monument

We are here to check Aztec Ruins National Monument.  Museum displays compare and contrast the Pueblo and Chaco civilizations through their pottery, architecture, and building techniques plus try to connect the dots between those populations and the many native tribes that have and still do occupy these lands.

The grounds protect a huge Pueblo settlement of which about half has been excavated.  Weather has taken its toll but enough remains to give a good idea of how it looked as-built.  A trail allows us to wander through the many rooms of this huge structure.  It is amazing.  The great Kiva has been rebuilt based on archeologic evidence.  There is still debate about exactly what the Kivas were used for but whatever that outcome, this structure is impressive.

Another cool feature, two green stripes of stone are built into the entire length of one exterior wall.  This feature has not been seen in any other ruins, Chaco or Pueblo, in the entire four corners area.   Cool. What’s that about?

Into Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park

We stopped to snap a few pictures as we drove by this park back on the 5th.  Today we are “in” for the 17-mile loop drive among the mesas, buttes, and spires.  There are a few nuances to the visit since this place is run by the Navajo Nation Parks rather than he US National Parks Service but the experience is mostly familiar.

We are up before 6am and on the road early hoping for ‘best light’ on the rock formations.  We are through the entry booth (bummers our senior pass is no good here) and on the loop drive before 8. The road is not as bad as many reviews declared but not great either.  Kent makes it around in 2-wheel drive, so not too bad.  Prominent buttes are named, some easily identified like “the mittens” others like “the elephant” require a bit more imagination and a view from just the right angle. It is cool to wind our way among them as shadows change with the rising sun angle.  My favorite is probably the totem pole and adjacent dancers, The Yei Bi Chei. We leave with a lot of pictures!  I am not certain which drive is the more impressive, Monument Valley or Valley of the Gods.  Monument Valley is immense and the raw scale as we move through it makes one feel small in comparison.  The drive through the narrower Valley of the Gods brings us closer to the features making it seem like a more personal experience.  Both could be improved by removing distracting human intrusions: boondocking RVs all over Valley of the Gods and rooftops of homesteads among the buttes of the Tribal Park.  Both have tipped too far in the scale balancing right-to-use and preservation, in my opinion.  But yes, I too would have loved to have spent a silent night under a star-filled sky in Valley of the Gods.