Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley State Park

Tweets, whistles and squawks; huge flocks of grackles jostle among themselves for best treetop perches and a chance at the feeders. Dozens of green jaysGreen JayComp_5359 swoop and dive through thick brush flashing brilliant yellow tail feathers then seemingly disappearing in the foliage once they land.  The chatter of Great Kiskadees fills the air as they dart tree to tree and periodically give chase to another of their species that some how offends.

Scissortail flycatchers decorate the highest treetops then move swarm-like showing amazing acrobatics courtesy those long tail feather rudders. Small packs of Chachalaca mill about scratching seed then making a short, clumsy, wing-flailing dash into the brush.

This is day one of birding on the south Texas coast and we are off to a good start.

Two other new ones for our list, a long billed thrasher and an Atamira Oriole.


Rains measured in feet and dew points in the 80s. Hmm.  For people who have complete choice over where they want to be at any given time it is possible that we aren’t making the best travel decisions right now.  Today we moved to Mission to check out butterfly migration.  The forecast is for cooler temperatures and a few dry days.  Here’s hoping!  We need wind to calm a bit too so the butterflies emerge from their shelter.

Mission Espiritu Santos

GoliadMission Comp_5228Archeological digs and lots of CCC labor resulted in a fine reconstruction of a beautiful South Texas Mission. The history within these walls tells of how the Franciscan’s taught trades and provided protection to the local tribes.  It is also surprisingly open about the destruction of traditional ways of life that resulted.  Check it out in Goliad State Park.

Back to normal

The last of the decorations came down on Sunday and the truck from Houston Tent and Event is just now pulling out. Everyone had to wait for waters to recede but in another day or so all should be back to normal here at SayHey Acres.

House guests

We had the opportunity to share our space with Mike and Tracy a couple days while they were in town for Brian and Johnna’s wedding. It was a bit cozy for everyone but it was wonderful to hang out with you a bit.  The house seems a little empty when you leave.  You are welcome back anytime guys.

Our one night at Steven Austin State Park deer, raccoons and even a barred owl came out to pose for the city folk.  Bird song and crickets filled the evening air.  It was a relaxing evening.

Congratulations Brian and Johnna!

Memorable! That has to be the word for this wedding.  Oh my God did it rain!  There was a lot of last minute adjustment and many wet feet; but in a tent filled with joy and love…along with a lot of fire ants, the happy couple tied the knot.  Best man Mike delivered a beautiful “only a brother could do” toast.  Brian tolerated a very thorough wedding cake facial.  Johnna tiptoed though the mud in her fashion trend setting baggied boots.  Yep, memorable alright.  The Wasik/Sayre/Clark/Hale entourage partied to the very end.  Thank you guys for toughing out the weather and, I hope, managing to have a good time.  It was wonderful to see everyone.

Worthy of The Republic of Texas

A mountain of red marble, Capital Comp_4923massive woodwork, and amazing workmanship; the Texas Capital Building is impressive.  Their visitor services are impressive too.  Guided tours run every 15 minutes.

RotundaFloorComp_4909Under the rotunda a beautiful mosaic depicts all the entities that claimed this region through the years. What appears dead center?  The seal of The Republic of Texas.  There it is, just waiting for the day Texas rises again.

Straight down I35

We are ultimately Houston bound but stopped in Austin along the way just to check it out. McKinney State Park is mostly out of the fray but gets us close enough to run into town for the city attractions. We can’t manage to escape the traffic and airport noise but it is a pretty little park with a few trails and lots of shade. It is very dry and very hot (still in the nineties many days) so birding is not so great. The ever present chicadee and titmouse chatter much of the time plus jays and mockingbirds periodically interject. I am still trying to identify an owl call I have heard the past couple nights. We hear coyotes every evening. They seem quite at home in this near suburban area.