So peaceful

The bright morning sun glints off the sheltered waters as we slide along the Intercoastal waterway. Pelicans, cormorant, and terns dot sandbars and breakwater along the way.Birds on bar web_0598 Whooping Cranes ply the wet lands in search of tasty morsels. The comfortable, cabined “Little Giant” with twin 150hp outboards carries us 8 ½ miles along the carefully marked channel to Matagorda Island.
Matagoda web_0594Stretching some 38 miles the barrier island protects the rich wetlands of coastal Texas. The North end is managed by Texas parks and Wildlife and the South end by Aransas NWR. We are out here to do some repair work and cleanup on Refuge property; nothing terribly taxing so we can take in the beautiful setting. Herons squawk and pelicans fish nearby as I repair boards on the boardwalk. The sun warms my face. A pair of porpoise moves along the sand bars that parallel the beach. Buck whitetail flash their tails and show off their impressive antlers. We just soak it in over a quiet lunch. Facilities are pretty rustic but I think I could spend some time out here!
Not today, works done and we are heading home.

Structure II complete

Today we completed the Big Tree/Salt Marsh Observation deckBig Tree Observation deck comp_0584 and walkway in addition to the tower boardwalk completed earlier.  Not bad for 1 month at the refuge.  A serious commitment by refuge staff and other volunteers has made it possible.  Last week we worked 6 days and 4 days this week to make it happen.  The refuge acting manager and his significant other stopped by and helped out during a weekend afternoon.  The members of the project team all seem to share the feeling of accomplishment for a job well done.   As we were finishing project cleanup we had the 1st visitor to enjoy the view from the new deck.  A heart warming experience.

A sunrise walk

Silence. Not even the oft heard drone of tug boats and fishing boats.
A faint clicking sound; oddly rhythmic and intermittent. Two young bucks sparring.
Muffled yelps and squeaky sounds like a litter of brand new puppies. Bats settling into their house on the end of the garage after a busy night of mosquito catching.
The gurgling sound of sandhill cranes gliding effortlessly as they move to feeding fields.
Reflections of pink/orange clouds in the inky water encircling draping live oaks.
The clear, bright notes of cardinals as they are the first to rise in the thickets along the trail.
Rushing air across the powerful wings of a flock of Roseate Spoonbills as they pass overhead in ever changing formations.
Perched high with wings outstretched warming in the sun. Even a vulture looks majestic.
A sudden burst of wind overhead; no wait, it is the sound of wing beats of hundreds of blackbirds swirling from tree to tree along the slough.
Pelicans gliding with wingtips just above the water’s surface.
The “plop” of a frog as it takes refuge in the dark waters of the slough.
Gravely, grumpy cry of a great blue heron heading out to feed on the flats.
The sounds of this place awakening are magnificent. I need to make time to enjoy them more often.

It’s almost like a full time job

I have been a bit achy these past few days. Knees protest at a lot of crouching. Hands balk at the hours running a screw gun. Shoulders and legs remind of the many bolts tightened and pounds of lumber moved around. The weather was perfect this week with a threat of rain next week so we put in six full 8 hour days to keep our second construction project moving. There were four of us most days with others pitching in as their schedules allowed. We made great progress. Maybe three more good work days and we’ll be done. Watch for a pic soon (if the rain holds off!).

On our time off

Steak night at Canoles in Tivoli with our fellow volunteers. Sirloins sizzling hot off a barrel grill…not fancy but delicious.
A day trip to Goose Island State park. Meet a gregarious version of the typically shy Clapper Rail.Clapper Rail_comp0532
Whoopers hanging out with sandhill cranes. Whoppers comp_0552
Quiet trails.
“Big Tree” a fantastic example of ancient, majestic live oak.


Impressive, right? OK, maybe not yet, but just you wait.

Tower Boardwalk

Tower Boardwalk

Lots of sawing, screw driving, drilling, bolting, posthole digging, concrete toting, hammering and on-the-fly problem solving has brought the boardwalk super structure near completion. Decking should start this week if the weather cooperates.

Skid steering

Triangular shaped tracks can claw through about anything.  The Caterpillar “skid steer” is similar to the ubiquitous “Bobcat” with tracks.  It is the most useful equipment moving materials to the soft/swampy area where we are building the observation walkway. The bumpy ride combined with a single stick control and short wheelbase can set up a bizarre rabbiting movement that is disconcerting.  Experience has taught continuing speed and not allowing bumps to jerk your control hand provides a more positive experience.  These guys have and use some cool “toys”.

This is not birding weather!

Gray, foggy, misting, and hovering in the low 40s. It seems that’s morning in Aransas. We continue to get some work time in but free time is mostly spent hiding indoors. I have caught a few glimpses of Whooping Cranes but I am looking forward to a bit of sunshine to really get out. Maybe by weekend?!