Chewacla SP

That’s a big snake. Snake comp_0468We wandered out one of the lesser
used trails.  It was peaceful and a great
way to spend a warming afternoon.  Nobody
else out there except a couple of really big snakes.  No problem, we gave them their space

The Army Corp of Engineers does campgrounds right

We always enjoy their widely spaced sites and easy to navigate roads.  Their campground at West Point Lake is a demonstration recreation project where they have really showed off their people pleasing side, not just their practical power generation and flood control skills.  There are deck sites along the lake, lots of large group sites, boat ramps everywhere and day use and wildlife refuge areas scattered all along the shore.  It is still too cold so we didn’t get the boat in the water but it ranks as a place to stop by and check out again some day.

The sound envelopes

A high whistle floating overhead to a low, floor throbbing rumble; the feel and sound of a pipe organ just surrounds.  Add timpani rolls and the unique sounds of a brass quintet and it’s a pretty awesome experience.  We caught a concert at St Joseph Catholic Church,  Macon.

Macon throws a pretty good party

We checked out day 1 of the 10 day Cherry Blossom Festival.

Abigail comp 0540There were pets; large ones, small ones, flamboyantly (embarrassingly) garbed ones and even some with pink fur.

Winning Pets Comp 0781Take a look at the winner of “best dressed”.

There were big cats; Mia the Liger, Handsome the lion, two Bengal tigers and two Siberian tigers.  They performed to their individual level of interest.  That meant the ladies entertained a little and the lion, Handsome, sat there and looked pretty, that’s it.  The cats are the public relations representatives for a rescue shelter.  They don’t have to do anything they don’t want.

Mid Georgia Stongman Comp

Mid Georgia Stongman Comp

Guys were rolling tractor tires;

not the round way, the lift and drop then lift and drop way.  Who thought of that?  It is The Middle Georgia strongman competition.


Disc dogs.  Pros and lots of amateurs.  They are all amazing.

An elephant ear with cinnamon sugar, oh yeah.

Ready, set, go.

A bed race.  The fastest..the sprinting firemen with a no frills bed.

The wackiest…Smoking Bed Race Comp_0583a train complete with pink smoke bomb in the stack.

Also ran; pink Cadillac, a gurney, a pink brass bed, a hot rod, & a trike.



High Heels Comp_0602A high heel race for the cure.  They were pretty speedy but Kent got a couple pictures.


Middle Georgia wildlife

It appears that it is too cold for the gators, turtles and most snakes.  This one found a great perch near the water, Snake comp_0401off the trail, and most importantly, in the warm Georgia sun.

We have had some nice walks at Piedmont and Bond Swamp NWR and Ocmulgee NHS.

Cool weather hiking

Cool weather hiking

We were specifically searching for the endangered red-cockaded woodpecker who only lives in this rapidly declining long-leaf pine ecosystem.  No luck.



Turkey Comp_0455Kent got a great picture of some turkeys but overall critter sightings have been pretty spotty.  It is still fun looking for them so we will keep walking.

Ancestors of the Creek Indians

For more than 10,000 years native cultures thrived here along the Ocmulgee River.  The Ocmulgee National Monument is an attempt to preserve the archeological evidence of their existence.  A cluster of man made earthen mounds in an area just strewn with generations of stone tools and weapons and increasingly sophisticated pottery hint at the lives these people led.  Found things tell a lot about what the people did but as seems to often be the case with digs, they don’t tell the whys.

The Creek tried desperately to hold onto this bit of land along the Ocmulgee.  It represented the birth of their culture.  I wonder what will remain to tell of our time on this earth and I wonder how the next inhabitants will interpret it?


Nu-Way Wieners since 1916.  Who could pass that up?  Pretty fair dogs with interesting chili.  Amanda’s cupcakes: my key lime was great but Kent’s chocolate Irish cream was THE BEST.  Not exactly fancy dining but perfect for us.

Macon – history

Timely surrender saved Macon from burning and pretty much any damage during the civil war.  One house was hit by one shell – it is now a historical landmark known simply as Cannonball house.  We strolled the streets lined with grand antebellum mansions, retail storefronts with nearly every era architecture, and a magnificent old CatholicChurch with stained glass from Belgium and carved marble everywhere.  I got a broader historical perspective in the Harriet Tubman African American Museum that attempts to tell the story from African tribes through contributions in music and the ongoing struggles for civil rights.

It seemed so random; the clanging of the church bells just after the noon hour chime.  A mystery until we saw the news of white smoke at the Vatican.  It was pealing for the Pope.  I guess people have known for a lot of years that church bells are a really great way to spread the word.

“Way down upon the Suwannee River”

Yes, Stephen Foster took some creative license, “Swanee” fit the tune better.

Did you know?  Stephen Foster wrote over 200 songs and that he died a rather inauspicious death; he fell in the bathroom and hit his head.

The clear tones of the magnificent tubular bells of the carillon Carillon Comp_0306at the Stephen Foster Folk Culture Center send those melodies floating across the countryside.  Impressive!

Wonderfully detailed dioramas depicting the scenes from the most famous are in the Center’s museum: Camptown Races, Old Folks at Home, …..

Volunteers did crafts including a new one for me, triangle weaving.  It is specifically for shawls and creates a beautiful pattern.  We saw deer and barred owls on the trails.

It is a great stop.