Coronation Ball…..presenting the Royalty

We checked out the Gulf Coast Carnival Association’s ball last evening. The costumes were magnificent. More feathers. Lots of sequins. Wonderful color combinations. Their theme was “Off to the Races”. The costumes of each of the eight couples (Dukes and Maids to the King and Queen) were themed to great competitions around the world. It was a very cool combination of Coastal and Southern tradition. Many of the maids were recent year debutantes and nearly all of the court has long family history of Mardi Gras Royalty. Official guests were dressed to the nines in enough sequins to sink a ship.






I guess if you can’t wear sequins to Mardi Gras then where can you wear them!?
We were in the spectator gallery in our blue jeans and T-shirts. I tiny bit of me would have loved to share in the finery.

Confederate ties and community pride

I toured Beauvoir, Jefferson Davis’s home. A President of the Confederacy; I can’t say I had every really given that much thought. Raised a Northerner I guess. He had pretty nice digs in his later life. The locals show a lot of pride in their heritage and Confederate links. The tour guide says no Confederate Memorials get Federal money…I wonder which side’s pride causes that?
Major storms are historical bookmarks around here. There are memorials to those lost in the past storms and high water marks identified on structures that managed to survive. Katrina scars are still scattered across the landscape in abandoned buildings and remnants of stately live oak. Recovering and rebuilding seem to be full time tasks. Forever rising from the rubble. They are certainly some determined folks down here. The Biloxi lighthouse has become an icon of Gulf Coast resilience.

New birds as we head East

We checked out a couple wildlife refuges and the Gulf Coast Island National Seashore. Weather has not been the best (read: thunderstorms, tornado warnings and flash floods) and we are not quite on the schedule with prime birding. But, we have seen a couple new ones, some woodpeckers, warblers and a laughing gull. The gulls really all look very much alike but this guy earns his name by his call. We are taking a ride through the Mississippi Sandhill Crane preserve tomorrow on our way out of town to see if they will show themselves.

Ever notice…

It seems that the smaller a person’s vocabulary the louder their voice? I noticed more than a few individuals who (at least when they are imbibing) can’t string more than two words together if one of them can’t be f***. Too bad.

Princess for a day

Ok, so it was me and several thousand other women (probably even a few men) and I reigned over some very soggy subjects; still, it was a lot of fun. We joined the throngs in New Orleans for the parades of the long standing Druid krewe and the inaugural parade for NYX, an all female krewe. In addition to my lovely tiara, we have way too many beads and even a little purple dinosaur I have named Sophie.
We logged about 6 hours on our feet and were up way past our bedtime but I think we decided it was worth it. We will let you know how this evening’s New Orlean’s parade compares with the Fat Tuesday parades we are planning to catch in Biloxi.

A day in The Quarter

Oh, those yummy beignets from Café Du Mon. Festive balconies all along Royal Street. The people watching including a strolling jazz parade that just seemed to sprout up along the street. Kent had his muffeletta. I am NOT an olive fan so I opted for a Creole plate that included crawfish ettouffie, shrimp creole, and jambalaya…all quite tasty. I can do crawfish when they don’t still look like bugs! We caught a quick high-spirited concert on the calliope on the Natchez.

Was it a Drive-in a Diner or a Dive?

Valentines dinner was at Louie and the Redhead Lady. I say a diner. It was pretty down-home and casual with great seafood. I finished off with their special red velvet cupcake (Robin’s was really better) and Kent went for the hummingbird cake. His was spice cake with nuts and other goodies with butter cream icing, definitely the better choice. All and all it was a great evening. Guy can pick them.