Spring Break with Willa

Our New York Grand-daughter, Willa, is nearly 5 this year.  Just old enough to go off on a week – long adventure with Grandpa and Nana.  We are heading for the California high desert along the Colorado River.

We are all up and loaded into the car before sunrise to catch an early morning flight from Albany to Detroit then on to Las Vegas.  Goodbyes are stressful; first Mom’s at home and Dad’s at the airport but once we get into the airport and on our way spirits are high.

Flights go smoothly and we all enjoy the many moving sidewalks and escalators at the various airports.  Willa takes window seats and keeps pretty busy checking out the airplane and coloring.  She got her Wings on the very first flight.  We spend about 6 hours in the air so there is a bit of “are we there yet” but overall, a fun adventure.  Tack on a 2-hour drive to camp at Havasu Landing and everyone is ready to be home!  We snack and settle in a bit then off to bed for everyone.

Camp is on the shore of Lake Havasu.  We have been talking about going out in the “big boat” with Willa (our 16ft aluminum fishing boat with at 40 hp motor).  She is anxious for her first ride.  Our first order of business day one is to unload and ready the boat.  She jumps right in to help and we have no trouble getting everything ready.

Days are full of adventure.

Her first boat ride Willa sits in my lap arms tightly around her wearing a tight smile.  Grandpa gives her complete speed control with thumbs up, flat hand and thumbs down for go fast, maintain speed and slow down.  By the next day she is in her own seat and smiling broadly into the wind.  We go super-fast a lot!

We all fish but do no catching the first two days.  Willa is very patient.  We use all artificial lures to start but, ultimately, we all agree to try real live nightcrawlers for bait.  Good decision.  Willa catches her first fish (the only one of the trip too).  It is a nice bass that she reels in, Kent nets, then she lips and returns to the lake to live another day.

Boat rides take us across to Lake Havasu City to cruise the channel, visit a nice wading beach, the lake is a bit too cold to actually swim, check out a playground and grab lunch at a food truck.  A day later, treasure maps, X marks the spot, emerge from an early project session so of course, we have to go on treasure hunts.   Willa directs Kent as we zip across the lake in search of the perfect island beach and high mountain to climb to find the treasure.  Two such excursions result in fun hikes and shore lunch with our treasures being fields of wildflowers and cactus blossoms.

We take the ferry over to Lake Havasu City to check out more playgrounds and do a little shopping.  We come home with a swimming mermaid, Ariel.

Around camp we play lots of Bocci.  Willa is really quite good at it and wins all but one round that went to Nana.  There is a Gnome Garden and Cactus plantings to explore and a rustic beach with plenty of rocks and sticks to toss in and write on the beach.  We play school and all sorts of pretend: Mom and Dad and kids, Pets, Mermaids, sisters…. Kent and I could hardly keep up with who we were and how old we were much of the time.

Time to move on.  We want to let Willa see high desert that is less developed so we are heading to Mohave National Preserve.  It is a couple hour drive with Willa in the truck with me and Kent bringing the motorhome.  Our time is filled with songs and storytelling created as we took turns developing a story.  Gabby the knight rescuing his princess was a favorite.

Hole in the Wall Campground at Mohave is more primitive; no power or water.  The view in every direction is rugged tan red and grey hued mountains.  Hiking is THE thing to do for fun.  No problem there.

Willa is anxious to hike the Ring Trail through the hole in the mountain cliffs.  Kent has prepped her and she is ready to try it.  The walk begins in a sandy wash, crisscrosses rocky cactus strewn areas and passes a pictograph area where we check out ancient rock drawings.  Then the featured event, a climb through boulder filled narrow cracks in the mountain aided by metal pins and rings driven into the rock.  Willa heads right into the climb making careful foot placement and never faltering.  Quite the accomplishment.

Day 2 we head for the dunes.  She knows they are huge.  We have been talking about them but reality sets in as we drive closer to them and set out across the fore dunes toward the peaks.  Willa is adamant, she is going to the top.  She is equally adamant that any trip to a place with this much sand MUST include sand castle building.  We have packed tools and extra water just for that task. We skip and run then trudge and finally even crawl across 2 miles of soft sand.  She and I make it tantalizingly close to the top but the sand is just too hot to go on.  Looking back toward the tiny dot that is Grandpa below us we decide we have accomplished enough and race down the steep slopes to about the half way point where we stop for a cool drink and some epic sand castle building.  Climbing was so difficult that we had to drink our extra castle water but are thrilled to find that if one digs below the dry top sand, a seemingly endless supply of perfect damp castle sand can be found.   The building was a blast and I think Willa enjoyed the demolition phase even more.  It is a significant trek back to the trail head.  We will all sleep well tonight.

But first, we make S’mores.

Amboy Crater, a hike into a volcano.   The cinder cone rises high above the desert floor making it an exciting adventure and a bit daunting.  There is no real hesitation, Willa wants to climb the volcano; but, “next time can we take a break and not hike two big hike two days in a row? Take a day off?”.  I agree, that is a good plan.  We continue on with couple snack and drink breaks at conveniently placed benches then navigate steep switchbacks until we find ourselves on the high rim of the crater.  Ancient pumice type lava fields stretch out all around the cinder cone and a smooth solidified lava floor fills the center. We rest and have lunch as we marvel at the view.  Willa declares that yes, she wants to hike down into the crater to walk on the lava.  The walk is a little precarious, steep and lots of loose rock but most is safely navigated holding Grandpa’s hand.  Her biggest booboo of the trip happens just steps from the center of the cone where Willa slides on loose stone and lands on sharp edged volcanic rock.  There is no blood but some scratches and she is frustrated because she was trying so hard to walk the trail on her own like grandpa showed her.  There are a couple full throated screams then once the damage is inspected and nerves calm, she is anxious to check out the very middle of the volcano.  The journey back down goes smoothly with Willa staying a little closer to Grandpa and taking his hand a bit more than the uphill trek.  It was a great adventure that ended with a stop for ice cream, it is a hot day, and the purchase of a Route 66 magnet at Roy’s Diner.  We extend the day with a drive through the Preserve to check out the visitor center and look for blooming Joshua Trees.  We take the back way home on Wild Horse Canyon Drive. Willa got to see a group of beautiful wild horses, maybe just released horses, and we got to try out the truck 4-wheel drive.  It is nearly dark when we finally get home. Willa works on her Jr Ranger book.  She has nearly completed it.

The Easter Bunny

Of course, the bunny finds Willa here in the desert! The day starts with a fun egg hunt filled with challenges and clues to find a hidden basket.  She thoroughly enjoys it.  The basket includes eggs to decorate and cookie cutters shaped like a bunny and a carrot, some other small toys, candy and a chocolate bunny.  Willa and I start with the egg coloring and decorating and Kent is making pancakes shaped like carrots and bunnies. Yum.  We spend our last day together finishing Easter activities and just goofing around in camp.

Homeward bound

Willa and I are flying back to New York.  We make the 2-hour drive to Vegas Sunday evening and stay in a hotel there to make the 6:00AM flight a bit more manageable.  Willa entertains me with an egg hunt she sets up for me and we read a little then off to bed.  We need to be up by 3:30AM.  Note to self, if you want to sleep at all you cannot share even a queen size bed with Willa.  She is a whirling dervish.  I had feet and arms in my face off and on all night.  I don’t think I slept more than an hour in a stretch!  We are up as planned and excited to soon see Mom and Dad.  We stand in line and make our way through security and to the gate.  With an hour to kill and having had no breakfast we share a giant Cinnabon.  Delicious!  Flight one is long…4 hours so a bit of WIFI brings an hour or so of Moana.  Our layover in Charlotte flies by as Willa meets another 5-year-old and they happily play the whole time.  She sleeps from wheels up to landing on the leg to Albany.  On the ground she finds Daddy at the airport and soon Mom at home.  All is back as it has always been and should be.  I’m pretty sure she had a great time with us though and I know that Kent and I certainly enjoyed ourselves.  Now we’ll rest up!

Night Out

We catch the 4:30 ferry across to Lake Havasu City.  It is a smooth ride; cool, with great views of the mountains lining both sides of the river valley.   We disembark near the Brooklyn Bridge.  Light crowds (we are just ahead of the spring break crush) make it a great night for a stroll.  But first, dinner.  We go for Burgers by the Bridge…not real fancy but the food is good and seating is right along the water.  Clam chowder, fish and chips and a plate of ooey gooey loaded fries more than satisfy our hungries.  Now for a stroll.  It is lovely as we watch the sunset from a bench along the channel then the bridge lights come to life. Sunburned and tipsy beach goers make their way back into town on foot and via greatly overloaded boats on the channel.  The night is still young for some.  We make our way back to the ferry dock and home across the lake. Nice.


Out on the lake we have lines in the water but mostly we’re just soaking in the beautiful morning.  The raspy squeaking call of Western Grebes carries from far across the lake.  A young loon floats by – his blotchy juvenile plumage more like grey camo than the tuxedo-like look of an adult.   Osprey circle above on the hunt and an egret expertly maneuvers into the shoreline reeds.  Puffy bright white clouds

Amazingly quiet for its size, a large turbo-prop slides by low over the lake.  He banks hard nearly overtop us once then again.  By the third pass I realize it is a wildfire fighting tanker and he is out on a training run.  It is a great perspective to watch as they first do touch and goes on the water then pick-ups then scoop and drop.  Very cool.


We have visited before but it is still a fun stop.  The burros are here snacking on hay pellets now instead of carrots and decidedly less pushy than I recall. 





We caught the 2:30 gunfight show.  All the shops are open, antiques, clothes, trinkets and souvenirs.  I add a medallion to my collection.  We lunch al fresco at The Oatman Hotel; bison burger for Kent and pulled pork for me. Burro ears all around (crispy chip-like fried potatoes). It is a great afternoon.

Super bloom

A neighbor in camp came in from a trip out to Oatman, AZ and raved about the poppy bloom off Rte 66.  It sounds too good to miss.  We set out this morning to visit the burros and check out the poppies.  It is magnificent.  Clusters of bright orange California poppies dot washes and combine to create blankets of color that seem to splash up hillsides.  We off-road on a two track (we can do that now in our high clearance 4-wheel drive pick-up…nice) then walk to make our way toward a lovely orange bloom.  It is amazing the dozens of other flowers found along the way.  If you are in the desert in the spring, get out and walk (carefully of course).

Heading home I google it.  Rainfall timing and amounts have been perfect.  They (not sure if there is an official “they” or just consensus) have declared a wild-flower super bloom in this section of the south west and it should last ‘til late May+.  Love it.


I am not overly impressed with the campground.  Sites are quite close together and it is land-locked against the lake by a little town so we can’t hike or even just stroll the desert from camp.  But: neighbors are friendly and lake access is great.  We have a ramp at the campground and some sandy shore access to wade and bird watch.  On the water we have already seen coots, mallards, and western grebes plus grackles, cow birds, and doves that make themselves known from the treetops in camp. We are settled in and have had the boat out for a spin around the island at Havasu City.  Looks like all is well.  I hear burros as I doze off to sleep.

Back on the road

Our first stint on the road is a bit of a marathon and nearly all of it is on I-10.  We set out to cover 1400 miles; Brazoria TX to Havasu Landing, CA.  Original departure was to be March 2 but strong winds from the west threaten exhausting driving and terrible gas mileage.  We postpone to the 3rd.  After 4 months at the refuge, we are a little rusty breaking camp and packing up so we are pretty happy with our 8:15 AM departure. It is our first time on the road with our new rolling set-up.  For now at least, I am driving separately in our new Colorado pick-up.  The truck doesn’t fit in the trailer.  It is all set-up to tow but we need to pull the trailer to Lake Havasu to have the boat with us so we can’t tow the truck.  Stuff inside the trailer is all rearranged too.  Here’s hoping it all goes smoothly!

Two hours or so into a planned 7 hour drive we make an equipment stop.  Pretty good.  A couple tie down adjustments but nothing major.  Winds are lighter as forecast but still impacting travel a bit.

Seven hours stretches to nearly 8 as we get caught up in a traffic slow-down brought to us by repaving just past San Antonio, yuck.   We roll into camp, Tree Cabin RV in Junction, TX.  Just fine for an overnight.  It is along the Llano River (actually in the flood plain but no rain predicted) with big rig sites for easy set-up and nestled between some nice hills and bluffs.  Dinner in camp and likely to bed early.  We have another full travel day tomorrow and Sunday and Monday.


Day 2, we awake to temps in the 30s and a dew point of 17.  What a change from the Houston area!   Off we go for a full day on I-10 with the only turns being to get on and off of it.  Its not feeling real exciting.

Clay colored bluffs rise from broad clay colored valley floors all dotted with scrub brush and splashes of wildflowers and clusters of prickly pear cactus.  The back drop is an amazingly clear blue sky. It is beautiful.  I forget how much I enjoy this terrain.

Stop for tonight is Van Horn RV in Van Horn.  It is not a busy place this time of year.  Just a smattering of through travelers just like us.  It is quiet and convenient.  A cactus wren stops by, a sure sign we are indeed in the desert.

Day 3 – the journey west

We are rolling early to make a 425 mile day, Van Horn to just east of Tucson.  I am following again today and get to watch as the trailer pushes against wind gusts and wallows through potholes.  10 is not in great shape but we have no big issues.  Mountain crests in the higher mountain ranges are dusted with snow.  Stalks of still-dormant ocotillo silhouette against the sky.  We watch for prong horn sheep but no sightings so far.  We are at the Pima County Fairgrounds RV park tonight.  It is moderately busy but quiet.

Day 4 – we arrive

The drive around Phoenix is terrible and goes on seemingly forever, sort of like driving around sprawling Houston.  Beyond that it is open desert.  Jagged mountains mark the horizon both north and south.  Wildflowers are coming into bloom.  Brilliant yellow flowers of the brittlebush set on broom-straw-thin stems seem to float in a dome above the grey-green leaves of the plant. The red splash of Indian paintbrush dots the rock-strewn desert floor.  I do love the desert in the Spring.  We make a quick restocking stop in Parker and top off fuel then cross the Colorado river into California and one last time zone.  The Garmin miss-routes Kent a couple miles and I manage one wrong turn; ultimately, we arrive at Havasu Landing RV Park; our home for a month.  Lake Havasu City pushes well up the mountain slopes from the shore directly across the lake. We are amazed at how much it has grown since our earlier visits.


A little more time along the Rio Grande

It is our last day in the park and we have yet to visit the Rio Grande Village campground area.  We check out the nature trail that includes a boardwalk along the river flats and a climb to a plateau circled by a tight horseshoe of the river.  It is great vantage point to take in the whole of the park.  Artwork and walking sticks are for sale all along the trail even so near the campground.  It seems like border patrol is turning a blind eye right now given the closed Boquillas Crossing.  The faint tinkle of a cow bell reaches our ears as far below on the river bank a band of burros emerges from the scrub and makes its way to the water’s edge where they take turns getting a drink.  The sun is blistering hot even at 10AM.  We head for shade and relax.  It makes for a nice end to the week.

Today we trade desert for the mountains

We are up at 6AM again.  It is even cooler at the low elevation of camp and we have a little trepidation as to whether it will be too cold some 3000 feet higher up in the Chisos Mountains.  We soldier on, sweatshirts and all.  The low hits 34F on the car thermometer.  Amazing, given afternoon highs we have been seeing and we briefly question whether we have brought enough clothes.  Two beautiful mule deer buck appear along the roadside sporting spectacular antlers.  We motor on a little disappointed by the heavy haze again this morning but hoping things will clear out.  The Chisos Mountain island in the desert is pretty amazing and we are determined to check it out.

The final leg of the drive is a steep switchback decent into a basin ringed by rugged mountains.  It is hard to believe we have just minutes ago been in desert.  The view is fantastic and we are pleasantly surprised to find the temperature in the mid 60s.  Very weird but perfect for a little hiking.  We check out The Window’s View Trail first.  A nice walk in a lovely place but haze dulls the signature view down into the valley.  We take the Basin Loop trail just to spend a little more time among the mountains and are rewarded with clearing skies and a great look at a mama

black bear and her two cubs.  This trail is just under two miles, pretty steep and rocky in places, and at 5000+ feet elevation.  Kudos to our lowlanders/flatlanders for making the journey.  It is a great morning.

Back down off the mountains we make our way across the desert for a quiet picnic lunch along the River.


It has been a great day and still to do?  Celebrate Brian’s 40th birthday.  Kent grills some amazing steaks, there is a kazoo serenade and an impressive bonfire of a cake.  Brian’s cake baking efforts are pretty successful. Chocolate cake with chocolate icing and even “ice cream” demonstrate that one can celebrate with nearly classic trappings even with no (well very few) carbs.   It was great to celebrate with him.