Totally surprised

Gayle was working the desk when we checked in at Sea Rim.  We know her from our earlier time here.  We chatted a bit just catching up then she and Nathan, the new Park Superintendent presented us with a “Stars in our Parks” award.  It turns out that after our volunteer stint in 2013 the staff at Sea Rim nominated us for an award that is presented by the Texas State Parks to recognize exceptional volunteers.  We were among the chosen.  They had been trying to figure out how to get this plaque to us.  Our spur of the moment decision to stop by helped resolve that issue too!  Overall, it has been a great decision.  It is great to see how things are continuing to develop here and it feels good to know that our efforts are appreciated.

So, what’s the take away?

Aransas National Wildlife Refuge is a beautiful place.  Whooping Cranes are just amazing creatures.  All the wildlife is fantastic to watch.  Changes with the seasons are remarkable.  All Coastal Texas weather is not perfect; we had a lot of cool rainy days at the start.

Building stuff was very cool.  Visitors seem to like the results too.

We got to work with some really awesome people.  Our small but mighty core work group included Kent, myself, Glen (a fellow resident volunteer) and Dave (our intrepid leader).  We spent a lot of hours together, worked hard and managed to have some fun too.   Great times were had hanging out and working with the extended group of resident and FAMI volunteers.  Other Refuge personnel provided essential support.

As with any experience, not all was perfect but overall it is certainly a good experience.  Thanks to all who made this a great winter volunteer stint.

The hunt

Sporting a bit of blaze orange, our hunt permits have been officially stamped by the Aransas Hunt Coordinator and verified by the Federal Wildlife Officer.  It is 9:45, we begin.  We survey all that surrounds us anxiously on the lookout for our illusive prey.  It is pretty intense as each hunter strives to take the official bag limit, 8.  EgghuntComp_0881This is the hilarious start to an Easter egg hunt.  The whole thing is set up as a spoof of the real hunts held on the Refuge.  Well done Laura and Johnny… was great fun (even if I didn’t find the golden prize egg!

A fun night out

A bit of live entertainment, a few fun drinks, views of the Intracoastal, some pretty fair seafood and lot of great company combined to make a wonderful evening. It was our last night to hang out with the rest of the resident volunteers (Yeah Shawna, Glen, Jim and Charlotte) before we head out. Laura, Anneka, Dave and Wanda joined in the festivities.

We got a bit of a send off. Check out this adorable marsh bunny with its cargo of sea beans?Rabbit Comp_0878 It is fun to imagine how far those beans may have traveled as they bobbed along in the waves. It is a bit of a reminder of how connected we are to every corner of the globe. Thank you guys. It makes it easy to believe that maybe our paths will cross again one day.

Send off from the local natives

It seems like they know we are leaving soon. Two whoopers made an appearance. The javelina family that makes the residence area its home made a mid-day pass. Ribbon and cottonmouth snakes warmed on the loop road. Bright, fancy spider lilies popped up as they begin their turn in the seemingly endless chain of wildflowers that grace the refuge. It leaves us with a beautiful parting image.

Project wrap up

We even caulked and painted! Glen, Kent and I wrapped up a screened in porchGregPorchComp_0861 to close out the last of the projects for our watch. The fine mesh screen keeps the ever voracious mosquitoes at bay and the hardware cloth keeps the raccoons from tearing their way through the screen. Only in Coastal Texas…….

Back country touring

Threatening clouds give way to beautiful clear blue skies. A breeze keeps the formidable clouds of mosquitoes at bay. Five of us bump along some 32 miles of gravel road that wind through sections of the refuge normally beyond the reach of visitors. Lakes. Inky black silhouettes of charred trees against bright green of new post-burn growth. Perfectly shaped canopies of lone live oak trees. Fresh water marsh rich with wildlife- Herons: Black Crowned, Little Blue and Great Blue. Egrets. Seriously big alligators sunningBAGator Comp_0765, swimming and one moving cross country wearing a spectacular mantle of pond scumGolden Mantel gator_0841Comp. Very cool to watch. Whoopers keep their distance but we do get a peek or two. An afternoon of great company and a chance to enjoy the amazing undisturbed space.