Cool, clear and relatively calm

What else, back out for another paddle.  Today we head toward the maze of narrow channels that meander through high growth.  It is a bit more out of reach of power boats and might offer up some new wildlife.  We paddle a little over 6 miles in about 5 hours on the lake.  Fortunately, we find a gravel ramp on the far end of the lake to get out and stretch my grumbly hips.  I enjoy kayaking or canoeing most if I can get out every couple hours and walk around a bit.  We don’t make any great new discoveries but do finally see great blue herons and great egrets.  Both are hiding downwind as the morning breeze has now grown to be much more significant.  It was the forecast!  Looks like time to head back in.  Narrow channels and areas behind islands make for protected paddling then a quick sprint across open water gets us to the upwind bank for a reasonable paddle toward home.  We have to work a bit at a couple more open water spots but find ourselves safely back at camp after a fun day on the water. 

Tonight, we find a clear star-studded night sky with no moon but spillover light from the Proving Grounds and not-quite-distant enough Yuma interfere with the perfect inky black view I was hoping for.  Our next stop is Anza Borrego Desert SP in CA.  It is a night sky park with development miles afar….seems like a perfect starry night place.         

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