Devils Tower

Geology is pretty amazing. This is a must see rock. A deer on the trail walked up to 15 feet from us as he intently went after some particular plant on a hillside. Great to see and some wonderful pics. Lots of prairie dogs. The national park service says they are endangered (and had to close part of the campground to protect them) but they seem to be everywhere out here. Lots of free climb climbers…crazy folks who climb up the cracks of this 800 ft+ rock. We watched them but never had an second of inclination to try it.
One of the prettiest campgrounds I have ever seen. Bright yellow aspen against the backdrop of dark red soil. Deer and owls in camp every night and morning.

Driving tour – out in the Miata on a bright, cool, sunburn inviting afternoon – small ranch rural Wyoming. Certainly the dustiest gravel roads I have ever been on. The dirt was everywhere in the car and on us. I could taste it and my hair was stiff with dirt. Probably a little too rural but it had a beautiful little lake at the end of it. We saw a Cormorant. Not a very pretty bird but neat to see. We drove through a prescribed burn in the national forest….we have been hearing lots about them but this was really up close and personal.

Little county museum in Sundance. Lots of cool stuff donated by locals. Most memorable….one of those dress forms (headless, legless body on a pedestal that they used to fit clothes). Well usually they are Barbie-like figures. This one had the front seam of the muslin opened up and extra felt stuffing added and then carefully laced back together with a 2” or 3” gap. The result, a more ample figure of maybe 40”-34”-42”. Just struck me as so real life.

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