Early bird catches the fish?

We head our early. Well, pretty early. We are on the lake by 8:30 and put in our best effort for over 2 ½ hours. Not even a tap. So; no, the early bird does not necessarily catch the fish! It is a beautiful morning though with a cool breeze and very little boat traffic. We are back in camp to relax a bit with the intent to try again this evening.
The evening round? Nope, no fish. I did see something I had not seen before. An osprey fishing from a perch not on the wing. He basically fell out of the tree into the shallow water to grab his supper. Weird but certainly conserves energy compared to the usual way.

We end the day with a late dinner and campfire including s’mores. It is a lovely night. No shooting stars though.

Our new neighbor tells us that there are meteor showers this week so we will be watching for more sky fireworks tonight. Space.com says the shooting stars are Draconids, remnants of Comet G-Z that originated in the constellation Draco-named after a dragon. Some call these tiny light shows dragon tears. Sounds wonderfully fantastic to me. Last night was the prime viewing night but I hope to see a few sky dragon tears tonight as well.

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