We saw this call out on the atlas and thought it was some sort of printing error then Kent found it on a unique things in Idaho page.  It is a real thing, a National Historic Landmark, and it is another geek stop.  Here at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) is the first ever Experimental Breeder Reactor (EBR-1) and a museum dedicated to explaining it and it’s place in history.  We toured and read and pondered over what they had accomplished and its implications.  Incidentally, the reactor is shut down and poured full of concrete…no worries here.

The INL is a sprawling complex on thousands of acres in the middle of nowhere with 8000 employees. They run multiple programs related to Nuclear Energy with a mission to “re-establish U.S. world leadership in nuclear science and engineering.”   Hmmm.  If we knew what all they actually do there would likely be some worries about that.

While its mission is different, it sure has a lot of parallels to the facilities we saw at Hanford Reach.

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