This is Valentine

Valentine Comp_0167I bought 6 raffle tickets to win this magnificent hand carved carousel horse.  The drawing is December 31.  Mom already said he can live at her house until we settle somewhere that has space.  I am gonna win you know.

We visited the Carousel Museum in Sandusky Ohio.  They display a number of 1890s early 1900s carousel animals most of which are from private collections.  Some are preserved as found and some are restored.  All of them are fantastic works of art.Carousel figures Comp_0148 Carousel Figures Comp_0152 Lynns ride Comp_0158 Lynns ride_0159

The detour added a couple hours to our drive from PA to IN to make it a whopping 13 hours in the Miata.  I still ache when I think about it!  I think it was worth it….don’t ask Kent though.  I’m not so sure he appreciated the extra couple hours behind the wheel.

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