Ely, Minnesota

We didn’t take the time this visit but this could be a fun town for checking out shops and local restaurants.  The main street is lined with boutiques and there is lodging of every type ranging from hostel sort of space to luxury resorts.

A howling

We spent the afternoon at the InternationalWolfCenter in Ely, Minnesota where we met Denali, Aiden, Luna, and Boltz, the resident “pack”.  The focus at the center is education rather than study of the animals in the wild.  As a result, these four are very acclimated to people and behave much like animals in a zoo….showing up at feeding time and waiting by the gate when a handler was in sight.  Still, it is a thrill to see them and to know people are working hard to help them keep their place in the wild.

Exhibits are very well done.  I enjoyed the communications displays the most.  Real (taxidermied) wolves depict all sorts of body language and behavioral communications.  The wolf speak section had recordings of many wolf vocalizations.

The best part, the Howling.  A group of about 14 of us went out into the Superior National Forest with staff from the Wolf Center and actually howled at the wolves.  Sometimes the local wild packs howl back.  Unfortunately not for us.  Still, howling was fun (Kent was a lead howler!), stars lit up the night sky, and a huge full moon made an appearance.

Since we have been at a number of wolf education sights around the country, we didn’t learn too much new but I’d say it is worth a stop for the displays and the glimpses of the local pack. 

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