Exploring Apostle Islands on foot

Meyers Beach trail winds along the top of the sandstone cliff shoreline above a cool collection of sea caves. We get some interesting views of the formations from above and hear the gurgly, blubbly sounds as waves fill the cavities, pressurize the air in them, then burst out.  Some sound like a giant sneeze and others like a backed up bathtub.  Next time I think we will sea kayak to get the most close up view and sound of the caves.


Another 3 miles took us to Lunch Beach, a tiny strip of sand that when we arrived was covered with about 15 or 20 kayaks as guided tours took their morning break.  If you hike this trail, I recommend you turn around after the first 2 ½ miles where the cliff views are the best.  The rest of the hike is fairly rugged under foot with many dips into and back out of steep ravines.  The view at the end not worth the energy expended to get to it.

We make a quick stop at Cornucopia Beach to fill our water bottles with artesian spring water.  It tastes wonderful.

We are back in camp by suppertime and take the rest of the evening just to relax.

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