France, England, America, England, America

Old Fort Niagara has stood sentry over this point on Lake Ontario for over 300 years with a role in the French and Indian War, the Revolutionary War, and War of 1812.  Earthen fortifications surround structures ranging from simple log cabins to an elaborate stone “Castle” built by the French.  If these wall could talk!

The museum houses remnants of a huge 1809 Niagara Garrison Flag. It was captured during the War of 1812, presented to England as a trophy of war, held by British war heroes and finally returned to the USA in 1994 when it was purchased by the not-for- profit, Old Fort Niagara Association.  Quite the historical find.

Re-enactors livened up the walk through with cannon fire, musket volleys, lively fife and drum ditties, a barrel making demonstration, and a lesson on the life of wash maidens circa 1700 and 1800s. The view is fantastic too as the Toronto skyline is outlined on the far shore of the lake.

Interesting…the French flag used to be white on white fleur-de-lei. Not an easy one to rally around I would say.

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