Getting started

Around 1PM we roll up to the State Forest office and meet Janet, our contact on this adventure from day one. She is the perfect ambassador for this adventure as she talks excitedly about the tower and area. She hands us our keys: after we sign a lengthy waiver that includes the admonition that we realize that there are steep steps and it will be dark up there. Guess they get city folks for this trip!? Off we go. The forest route is a bit rutted and rocky and there are more than a few switch backs, just about what we imagined. One last turn and I am anxiously watching for the first glimpse of the tower. Oh cool, a neat little white cabin on really high stilts. It looks perfect. Key one, that opens the woodshed with lots of dry split firewood, nice. Key two: that opens the padlock on the outhouse….didn’t think there would be plumbing up there did you? There is a picnic shelter and a nice fire ring. Time to see what is upstairs

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